I'm so old I Remember when:

My mother grew up in the 40s. If she went out -- anywhere -- she wore stockings, gloves, a hat, a dress, and heels.
What did these stockings look like? I donā€™t know what to wear with my 40ā€™s dresses.

Iā€™ve got knee-high thin socks, but I never see anyone on my 40ā€™s sewing patterns wearing anything on their legsā€¦
Pantyhose were a MAJOR improvement over garter belts and stockings!

But nowadays I wear socks with sandals. Even to church. But they are very NICE sandals, lol! And I have health reasons ... so :tongue Lol.
I do barefeet all day, if I have to wear shoes it's sandals, and if it's a more dignified place than the thrift store, socks with sandals, and Sunday it's dress shoes, by far my least favorite shoe.
I noticed that in the senior people, they are very well dressed, and polite. Looking at them so properly and nicely dress and so gentle in manner make me feel all is well, everything is in order.
Not many people wear stocking these days. We got all casual? Just a little over 100 years ago people were wearing layers & layers of clothes. Sometime when I watch a period movie and thought how on earth do they breath?
I wonder this myself when watching period movies, like "Gone With The Wind'. How on earth did they survive the heat wearing all those layers? No wonder women were fainting all the time! "Uncle Peter, my smelling salts!"

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