International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Here's the mossiness quotes for others if needed... Altho, most of this is regarding @Punkybrewster cockerels.
Peoples use a lot reason to cull without understanding the reasons .
There is 2 type of lacing or flaking on the tip of the feathers BCM chicks both will moult out .
When you see the mossy or brown lacing in the BCM young cockerels that mean they carry maximum copper in they genomic make up . We should mark those cockerels for later. These type of cockerels will add a lot colour to they progeny . We should mate them to hens with incomplete hackle marking .
If all the feather are completely mossy brown on the pullets chicks than they are a cull .
Chooks man
Mine aren't completely mossy.. 👍

Here the genetic formula we should apply when selecting the BCM breeders:
BCM rooster with a pure black chest free from any copper should be bred to BCM hens with a complete hackle marking .
BCM rooster with a spotted chest with copper flaking should be bred to BCM hens with incomplete hackle marking ( minimum copper on they hackles).
BCM rooster with a complete coppery chest should be bred to BCM hens without any hackle marking ( all black hens)
Our job as BCM breeders is to balance the matting all the time . We just don t pen any BCM rooster to any BCM hens . That what most peoples do . Bad practice .
Chooks man

This next quote is confusing to me but I didn't find any additional info...
That is great no mossy pullets . Always look for the mossy pullets not the cockerels .
Chooks nan
Why are we looking for mossy pullets? And if we are... I found some, now what?
I'll leg band them and continue watching to see if it molts out. So they stay for awhile yet, I want to see egg color regardless.

So, mainly just a decision I need to make on the 2 boys at this point.
What color marans does he have? Have you asked him about it?
Yes we have and to say the least was excited. She really white compared to the little grey and white one. The red hen is Rose
She was up here so I spray her wing. He has other Male Marans so not being there I wouldnt know which female laid the eggs. I just know that Marans are all he breeds. This is Charlie that came from our friend.



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