I only order from Cackle Hatchery. They have a 3 chick minimum, 1 rooster minimum. The birds are extremely healthy. Cackle is the ONLY place to get purebred Ameraucanas bred to standard, separated by color. Ameraucanas are a favorite of Cackle's owner. I have known of many other people being disappointed by Meyer, McMurray, and all of the other hatcheries. Beware.I was thinking of maybe ordering some chicks from Meyer hatchery so that I could pick what breed I want. I was wondering if they are good and if anyone has any warnings about them. I am curious if their chickens are healthy because I don’t want to have to deal with any health issues. Any tips or warnings would be very helpful I have read a few other threads on here and they seem good but wanted to make one of my own just to make sure.