Jinxed myself, actual missing duck, at least 1 injured. Any help / advice appreciated.

So, both of Blanca’s medicines are oral injectable. I got her to take her first dose just now, but it was a bit of a struggle. I was wondering if you think it’d be better to put it on some feed and if she’d be likely to take it like that?? I don’t want to waste a dose.
@ruthhope @Miss Lydia
So, both of Blanca’s medicines are oral injectable. I got her to take her first dose just now, but it was a bit of a struggle. I was wondering if you think it’d be better to put it on some feed and if she’d be likely to take it like that?? I don’t want to waste a dose.
@ruthhope @Miss Lydia
It’s a struggle at first but you’ll get used to it. It’s much better to give it directly than to put it on her feed which will likely just deter her and end in a wasted dose.
So, both of Blanca’s medicines are oral injectable. I got her to take her first dose just now, but it was a bit of a struggle. I was wondering if you think it’d be better to put it on some feed and if she’d be likely to take it like that?? I don’t want to waste a dose.
@ruthhope @Miss Lydia
I agree with @Chicken: its better to give medication orally and you will find it easier with a little practice. Wrap Blanca on a good sized towel so her wings and legs are immobilized and just her head sticks out. Sitting down, hold her against your body with your left arm and use your left hand to hold open the bill. I put my thumb in the side of the bill to stop the duck closing its bill. Then, using a long thin 2ml plastic syringe, I give the medicine into the throat to the side of the tongue so it doesn't go into the lungs.

My ducks don't like mash, they only lije very runny ducky soup made with their pellets and, of course, meal worms.

I am so glad Blanca survived. You are on the home straight now with her recovery!
@ruthhope Wrapped Blanca in a towel for her medicine this morning, and had a better time. Thank you :)

She’s not too interested in the Mazuri feed anymore, just the mealworms and electrolyte water. I wonder if I should purée & feed her with a syringe??
@ruthhope Wrapped Blanca in a towel for her medicine this morning, and had a better time. Thank you :)

She’s not too interested in the Mazuri feed anymore, just the mealworms and electrolyte water. I wonder if I should purée & feed her with a syringe??
I've wondered about tube feeding a sick duck or recovering duck in the past but they have always started earing before I have decided to tube feeding. I woukd not syringe feed as there is too great advice danger the food woukd get into the lungs. A soft fine tub can be fed down the side of the tongue, into the gullet and crop. Even tube feeding has to be done cautiously so food doesn't come back up into the back of the mouth and get inhaled.

Are you giving oral rehydration solution that contains sugar? I would certainly only have oral rehydration solution available for drinking so that she gets some calories every sip she takes. Let her have as many meal worms as she likes and try offering scrambled egg. Once she starts eating she will be ravenously hungry and need extra rations for more than a week!
Are you giving oral rehydration solution that contains sugar? I would certainly only have oral rehydration solution available for drinking so that she gets some calories every sip she takes. Let her have as many meal worms as she likes and try offering scrambled egg. Once she starts eating she will be ravenously hungry and need extra rations for more than a week!
Yes, I’m giving an ORS with sugar. She’s drinking a whole lot.
She was having a hard time earlier even with the mealworms, and then suddenly ate a bunch at once.

She said no to scrambled eggs.
She only wants liquids, mealworms being the exception. Maybe I could liquify some feed and see if she’s at all interested.

She is pooping, albeit infrequently. Maybe once an hour or so.
Here’s Blanca this morning. She’s been talking a lot more. Drank all of her ORS overnight. I also liquified some feed, and she seems fairly interested.

She’s been shaking a bit, but I’m hoping that’s typical given the circumstances. It’s also not my main priority, but I think there’s something up with her right wing. She’s not moving it nearly as much as her left. Maybe that’s also typical since it’s right next to her big injury??

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