Jinxed myself, actual missing duck, at least 1 injured. Any help / advice appreciated.

Wound today. Looks like the scab is getting ready to come off. Very dry and peeling at the edges.

I don’t really think she’s injuring herself trying to escape the crate, nor do I think there’s mice or rats; There are no holes large enough for them to squeeze through. Both times the limp worsened was after she spent a day out with the flock. Is it possible the limp is delayed + it’s just a coincidence that it’s occurring in the crate?? Limp is okayish today.

She’s also pretty much accepted back into the flock. Cherry is still a little rude to her, but that’s about it. I’ve seen her flatten for him a few times, and he does NOT get the hint :rolleyes:
After all this chaos, I think (hope) she’s about ready to go back full time. I tried having her sleep in the crate again as a test to see if the limp would worsen, and it didn’t! She’s walking pretty great today. I’m going to give her another day or 2 and then let her loose.
It’s been almost 5 weeks!! :eek: Can you believe it?
She left!!! :weeI opened the gate, and she ran down as fast as she could with everyone else.

Y’know, I rescued Blanca when she was 5 months old to give her a better life. I feel terrible that she was attacked, but I also feel great that I had the means to give her another chance. I’ll keep watching her, making sure she’s getting around good & that her wound looks good, but I think my job’s about done here.



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