July Online Mystery Hatching Egg Swap Now Closed

The box was labeled pens 5, 6, 7. I have a green, brown and 2 blue eggs in lockdown. 2nd swap sent me all dark eggs and I believe I have 6 of those eggs in lockdown.
I was a "silent" partner

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe 5=Black Langshan, 6=Welsummer or Olive Egger, and 7=Ameraucana, Olive Egger, or bantam BCM project (or white egg layer, but not if you don't have a white egg
My hatch from Shelly is done. The last 2 that were pipped didn't make it. One had an open skull and the other had a cross beak.
No rocking, no pips, nuthin!!! Gonna candle after I put kids to bed & see if I can see anything before I pip the eggs. Afraid the ones from Michelle are rotten or scrambled & cooked because the cat accidentily broke 1 before I set them & it was scrambled & 1/2 cooked inside from the rough, hot ride. Since the ones from Brandy came during that same heat wave I'm fearing the same for their fate.

OK...can't remember if Brandy & Tina both gave me hatch rates yet, but here is the list. Let me know if I forgot any names:

Fluffy & Su2y Lou-Silkie (would be pure from my SQ girls)
Motty-Mottled Cochin Bantam (don't think she was laying then)

Connie & Comet-Golden Comet
Rita-Australorp or Black Star
Ruby- Red Star pullet
Marble-Tetra Tint pullet
Lily-White mixed banty

Possible roos from the time frame eggs were collected & 2 weeks before (a couple roos were rehomed right before collection but may have still fertili2ed some eggs)

Samuel-mixed banty that looked just like a FBCM (lightly feathered legs)-was dominant but rehomed
George-Spangled banty -rehomed
Pollock- Wheaten Polish mix
Calico- Calico EE
Wilbur- Welsumer
Walter- Lemon Blue Cochin Bantam
Crew-Mottled Cochin Bantam with golden/buff hackles

OOPS...forgot Bob-MF d'Uccle
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