July Online Mystery Hatching Egg Swap Now Closed

None of my eggs from Michelle made it. As suspected, scrambled, cooked & rotten. Thanks USPS!!!

As for the ones from Brandy, 1 made it to lockdown after all. The other that I knew was developing quit some time last week. The other 2 questionable ones were rotten. The 1 that quit sure appears to be a cochin bantam (feather legged black baby with greyish skin & only 4 toes). The other 1 is still waiting, due 2 days ago...little slow poke.
sorry bout your eggs Nan...having a hard time with my eggs from swaps too...are you sure the one that quit was from me....I didn't send any cochins....
So far out of the A1's 1 hatched, one pipped and died, the rest didn't make it to lockdown, I have one C3 that is pipped...Those where from Mrsmooncat I think. I have from zookeeper 1 turkey that hatched and is doing great, one that isn't able to get on his feet? the others pipped internally and died :( ...The surviving ones are brownish chipmunk striped..the others where yellow/white.
Hmmm. Wonder how my other partners eggs did. Haven't seen her post

A brown egg and 3 green eggs. I had to finish helping the last 2 out last night. One died pipping, and 6 others made it to lockdown but didn't hatch! What is the black one with the white spot, a female Cream Legbar? I was thrilled when you sent me the legbars, I'm very disappointed I can't keep them!

I'm giving some of my favorites to a couple friends nearby, I'll still be able to get eggs from them. Then I will wait till we can move somewhere we can have them.
So far out of the A1's 1 hatched, one pipped and died, the rest didn't make it to lockdown, I have one C3 that is pipped...Those where from Mrsmooncat I think. I have from zookeeper 1 turkey that hatched and is doing great, one that isn't able to get on his feet? the others pipped internally and died :( ...The surviving ones are brownish chipmunk striped..the others where yellow/white.
The chipmunk ones are Royal Palm over Bourbon Red. The white ones were Royal Palm.

None of my eggs from Michelle made it either.
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A brown egg and 3 green eggs. I had to finish helping the last 2 out last night. One died pipping, and 6 others made it to lockdown but didn't hatch! What is the black one with the white spot, a female Cream Legbar? I was thrilled when you sent me the legbars, I'm very disappointed I can't keep them!

I'm giving some of my favorites to a couple friends nearby, I'll still be able to get eggs from them. Then I will wait till we can move somewhere we can have them.
The chipmunk ones are Royal Palm over Bourbon Red. The white ones were Royal Palm.

None of my eggs from Michelle made it either.
Hey! Tried to PM you but didn't hear back. Do any of your birds still need homes...would be happy to buy them from you as long as prices aren't super high.
That would be me. Looks like you hatched yourself a blue partridge silkie. Have any more hatched or pipped?
Not yet, but they were 20th eggs so have a day left to go at least. I think the 19th eggs are all toast however. Clearly I should tip the postal chick who brought me eggs on the 20th! haha. blue partridge! does that go with bbs? or red? or just other partridges? DH loves the chicks with the eyeliner, and hers is so delicate!
And Zoo, y so much for the beautiful turkeys, Royal palms ay? My babies are both white. I'm so sorry about your zoning. I'm sure we can all help you rebuld once you move but its terrible to loose pets :(.
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I went to the local fair and just got home, and the quail hatched while i was gone and are still hatching!!! There all over the bator
They weren't suppose to hatch for 2 days, I just put them in lock down last night.

Out of the chicken eggs that hatched yesterday one from a white egg is doing great, 2 that hatched from the brown eggs maked with a B are not doing so good it took them forever to hatch they both made it out of the shell but one died and a little greyish one is still hanging in there,
So, I had a few chicks hatch while I was on my little road trip. Looks like the egg from pen #5 hatched and so did the two blue ones which I think were #6. I think I also had a egg from my second swap hatch. Got 2 more pips from swap #2 and the others are still moving inside their eggs.

A brown egg and 3 green eggs. I had to finish helping the last 2 out last night. One died pipping, and 6 others made it to lockdown but didn't hatch! What is the black one with the white spot, a female Cream Legbar? I was thrilled when you sent me the legbars, I'm very disappointed I can't keep them!

I'm giving some of my favorites to a couple friends nearby, I'll still be able to get eggs from them. Then I will wait till we can move somewhere we can have them.
The chipmunk ones are Royal Palm over Bourbon Red. The white ones were Royal Palm.

None of my eggs from Michelle made it either.

The one with the white spot is actually a olive egger from my Cream Legbar rooster and my FBCM hens. They feather in with barring and a cute little crest.

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