Not in a few days but it did snow/rain a bit the other day. It’s definitely been pretty wet recently. So they are harmless then? They don’t seem to be bothering the birds which is weird to me. I just hate having bugs and rodents and anything like that around :lau

Grosses me out and I try to keep it clean out there so in my mind the bugs mean it isn’t but maybe that’s not so.
They were here in the fall out at the edge of the City. They are decomposers and do not hurt birds
As far as I know they're harmless. I tried to research them for hours one day but didn't find anything. I agree they are probably springtails or some other benign bug. I'll try to get a picture next time I see them. Whenever they do show up it's in great quantities and they just seem to be all over the place when it's cool and damp.
Springtails are harmless and feed on fungi and decaying organic matter. I think whatever these are must be similar. Perhaps they are attracted to mold spores after a good rain. They're definitely not a threat to your birds though as far as I'm concerned, I keep pigeons and they're small and easy to do a full body check on and I've never seen one on a bird
I zoomed in on some of the pictures. Hopefully this is a little bit more helpful.

They were here in the fall out at the edge of the City. They are decomposers and do not hurt birds

That’s good to know! Thanks!

As far as I know they're harmless. I tried to research them for hours one day but didn't find anything. I agree they are probably springtails or some other benign bug. I'll try to get a picture next time I see them. Whenever they do show up it's in great quantities and they just seem to be all over the place when it's cool and damp.

Huh, very interesting. Thanks!!

Thanks for the link!!

Springtails are harmless and feed on fungi and decaying organic matter. I think whatever these are must be similar. Perhaps they are attracted to mold spores after a good rain. They're definitely not a threat to your birds though as far as I'm concerned, I keep pigeons and they're small and easy to do a full body check on and I've never seen one on a bird

Maybe I should leave them then?
I'll run it by my insect ID group....But I doubt they are a threat the the chickens, no need to poison the whole coop.

Thank you! I really appreciate that! And yeah, I try not to use chemicals and stuff so I was a bit nervous to use it. I bought the permethrin a while ago just to have on hand I think but I’ve never used it.
Thank you! I really appreciate that! And yeah, I try not to use chemicals and stuff so I was a bit nervous to use it. I bought the permethrin a while ago just to have on hand I think but I’ve never used it.
No Prob...may take awhile to get a response.
Have always been fascinated with bugs and critters....insects are very hard to ID, and most people freak out when they see swarms of them.
Always good to remember that most only live for a few days.
I'll bet the warm weather has hatched them out,
and they'all be dead when the temps drop again.

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