Lost my flock to a raccoon :(

I'm just posting this because I've been so sad and most people I know don't seem to understand what a major loss this is. We lost ALL of our girls to a raccoon. Ten hens and one female duck... the male duck and the rooster survived. It got four the first night and I saw where it got in and sealed it well, but I underestimated the power of those animals. This is my eighth year keeping chickens and ducks and my third year with that particular run, with no issues, and I guess the cold made the raccoons desperate and crazed. I am just so, so, so deeply devastated and heartbroken. I had the most amazing flock. It was over a week ago now and I am still in disbelief. I'm not even entirely sure if my rooster is going to make it; he was injured in the attack and has been unwell, but he's on antibiotics and being hand fed and I'm praying for a miracle because I cannot handle losing him too. I don't even know why I'm posting this, except that in this community people will probably actually understand what I'm going through. Thanks for reading <3
I'm so very sorry!!!! I know it hurts ❤️. We lost two this past month to a possum. Sending love your way.
So many of us truly understand the loss of a wonderful pet, and our chickens give us such joy as they toddle around, wings out, calling to us as they run our way. God bless you for working to save your rooster. I think the real pain comes with how it happened, and I am so sorry. Time will ease that, and well-timed babies will welcome in healing. Take your time, but know that healing is around the corner.
I'm just posting this because I've been so sad and most people I know don't seem to understand what a major loss this is. We lost ALL of our girls to a raccoon. Ten hens and one female duck... the male duck and the rooster survived. It got four the first night and I saw where it got in and sealed it well, but I underestimated the power of those animals. This is my eighth year keeping chickens and ducks and my third year with that particular run, with no issues, and I guess the cold made the raccoons desperate and crazed. I am just so, so, so deeply devastated and heartbroken. I had the most amazing flock. It was over a week ago now and I am still in disbelief. I'm not even entirely sure if my rooster is going to make it; he was injured in the attack and has been unwell, but he's on antibiotics and being hand fed and I'm praying for a miracle because I cannot handle losing him too. I don't even know why I'm posting this, except that in this community people will probably actually understand what I'm going through. Thanks for reading <3
I totally understand what you are feeling. This happened to me and my husband six months ago. We had our 5 chickens for four years secured in fencing with a mesh cover over that and they have a beautiful attached house. Of course all named and loved. They have chandeliers hanging in their outside area and a heater inside. The attack was a horrible shock. I went over the area and thought I double wired any area that may have been the issue. The next day there was only 1 left. I spent hours again making sure nothing could dig under the fence and I drilled PVC pipe along the length of the gate so it was so tight nothing could get in. I cried for days and had nightmares that this happened to our girls. We waited a few months and started again. We acquired pairs a few at time. We have 6 girls and Diego the rooster. Of course I still think of Minnie Moo, Kitty, Olive, and Cricket. They will always be in my heart forever. I hate that I was not more safety conscious for them.
I understand your grief. I'm so sorry for your loss.
I’m so sorry for your loss :(. I had a similar thing happen three years ago. A fox killed 90 percent of my flock. Last summer a mink killed 4 hens and 9 baby chicks (hens were moms as well). It’s the saddest thing. I hope you find some new birds and I hope your birds loved you. They had a great life, I’m sure of it.
I'm just posting this because I've been so sad and most people I know don't seem to understand what a major loss this is. We lost ALL of our girls to a raccoon. Ten hens and one female duck... the male duck and the rooster survived. It got four the first night and I saw where it got in and sealed it well, but I underestimated the power of those animals. This is my eighth year keeping chickens and ducks and my third year with that particular run, with no issues, and I guess the cold made the raccoons desperate and crazed. I am just so, so, so deeply devastated and heartbroken. I had the most amazing flock. It was over a week ago now and I am still in disbelief. I'm not even entirely sure if my rooster is going to make it; he was injured in the attack and has been unwell, but he's on antibiotics and being hand fed and I'm praying for a miracle because I cannot handle losing him too. I don't even know why I'm posting this, except that in this community people will probably actually understand what I'm going through. Thanks for reading <3
So very sorry. I can’t imagine that. 😭
I'm just posting this because I've been so sad and most people I know don't seem to understand what a major loss this is. We lost ALL of our girls to a raccoon. Ten hens and one female duck... the male duck and the rooster survived. It got four the first night and I saw where it got in and sealed it well, but I underestimated the power of those animals. This is my eighth year keeping chickens and ducks and my third year with that particular run, with no issues, and I guess the cold made the raccoons desperate and crazed. I am just so, so, so deeply devastated and heartbroken. I had the most amazing flock. It was over a week ago now and I am still in disbelief. I'm not even entirely sure if my rooster is going to make it; he was injured in the attack and has been unwell, but he's on antibiotics and being hand fed and I'm praying for a miracle because I cannot handle losing him too. I don't even know why I'm posting this, except that in this community people will probably actually understand what I'm going through. Thanks for reading <3
Omg I am so sorry. I know how you feel! My favorite hen Red Girl was attacked by a dog and she was torn up pretty badly. I got her and cried like a baby because she was who I talked to when my mom died. I know I’m crazy but I just wanted to talk and she didn’t mind (I think) listening. She is almost healed completely now. She’s an older hen and doesn’t lay anymore but I don’t care!! She’s my emotional support hen. I just love my chickens!! They make me happy.
I'm just posting this because I've been so sad and most people I know don't seem to understand what a major loss this is. We lost ALL of our girls to a raccoon. Ten hens and one female duck... the male duck and the rooster survived. It got four the first night and I saw where it got in and sealed it well, but I underestimated the power of those animals. This is my eighth year keeping chickens and ducks and my third year with that particular run, with no issues, and I guess the cold made the raccoons desperate and crazed. I am just so, so, so deeply devastated and heartbroken. I had the most amazing flock. It was over a week ago now and I am still in disbelief. I'm not even entirely sure if my rooster is going to make it; he was injured in the attack and has been unwell, but he's on antibiotics and being hand fed and I'm praying for a miracle because I cannot handle losing him too. I don't even know why I'm posting this, except that in this community people will probably actually understand what I'm going through. Thanks for reading <3
Same here, lost all 9 of my girls in one night! They had just started laying. Never found out what animal did the deed. One killed in the coop but eight killed outside and the predator BURIED them. Didn’t dig a hole but neatly pile dirt on them and covered them up, none were removed! Does any of this sound familiar to you? Very little blood or damage to the girls!??

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