I have heard of people taking cold eggs and being able to hatch them out. I surely wish I would have seen this post sooner. I still would give it a try as long as you know for sure they are fertile. What are you out but a few eggs? I am so sorry for your loss. I lost two of my favorite ducks to a coon a few months back. One was my Wood duck that I loved hearing out in my pen. I was sick and cried so I do know how you feel and I feel bad for you. I since then bought all new strong pens for them and put barrier around it to keep the coons out. I then ordered two more Wood Ducks from a farm that sell s them because I missed my one so much. I hope you can replenish your flock soon and that your Rooster makes it alright. It's a terrible feeling to lose an animal that you love, no matter what type it is. I feel for you. Sorry, I hadn't seen where you did not have any eggs left.Thank you so so much. This means a lot. That is SUCH a great idea and I wish I had done that, but sadly I don't have any eggs. All the ones I did have at the time of the attack had already been put into the fridge. It would be so wonderful to have babies from those girls. Thank you again, you are so kind <3
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