Lost my flock to a raccoon :(

Thank you so so much. This means a lot. That is SUCH a great idea and I wish I had done that, but sadly I don't have any eggs. All the ones I did have at the time of the attack had already been put into the fridge. It would be so wonderful to have babies from those girls. Thank you again, you are so kind <3
I have heard of people taking cold eggs and being able to hatch them out. I surely wish I would have seen this post sooner. I still would give it a try as long as you know for sure they are fertile. What are you out but a few eggs? I am so sorry for your loss. I lost two of my favorite ducks to a coon a few months back. One was my Wood duck that I loved hearing out in my pen. I was sick and cried so I do know how you feel and I feel bad for you. I since then bought all new strong pens for them and put barrier around it to keep the coons out. I then ordered two more Wood Ducks from a farm that sell s them because I missed my one so much. I hope you can replenish your flock soon and that your Rooster makes it alright. It's a terrible feeling to lose an animal that you love, no matter what type it is. I feel for you. Sorry, I hadn't seen where you did not have any eggs left.
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Same here, lost all 9 of my girls in one night! They had just started laying. Never found out what animal did the deed. One killed in the coop but eight killed outside and the predator BURIED them. Didn’t dig a hole but neatly pile dirt on them and covered them up, none were removed! Does any of this sound familiar to you? Very little blood or damage to the girls!??
Oh my gosh that is so weird and creepy! I'm not sure about the burying but the very little blood or damage does sound like a raccoon to me. I think they just give one quick bite to the head and rarely actually eat them. I am sooo so sorry that happened to you, that is absolutely devastating :(
Racoons suck! We have been dealing with losses from racoons for years. Most recently, we had a Costco coop. Nice, but not SUPER strong. They figured out the latch on the door 1st, got a couple, then ripped the roof on the egg box off it's hinges. Only 1 survivor & she wouldn't go back in the death house. Brash lil f'ers had not fear of me until I killed one w/ a pellet gun... but that wasn't until they got under our house and tried to make a home in the insulated subfloor close to their diner. It was the last straw! They left for a while, but are back. The chicken lives with the ducks now till Spring. I built the duck house, & I don't think a bear could get in there! Nature is cruel! Fight the good fight
Ugh I'm so sorry! I've just sort of started to assume that raccoons are capable of literally anything because I've heard so many shocking stories of things they have done. I just rebuilt my run and I'm praying I did a good enough job!! Hope your hen isn't too traumatized, best wishes
I know exactly how you feel. I lost all my hens and a rooster also to a raccoon. I have since reinforced my chicken yard and coop, but have not had the opportunity to replace them yet. I miss them all dreadfully, and loved them much. They say time heals, and my hurt is abating, but I will never like raccoons again.
Oh my god I am so so sorry :( I'm sure you will feel so much joy when you do get a new flock!
I have heard of people taking cold eggs and being able to hatch them out. I surely wish I would have seen this post sooner. I still would give it a try as long as you know for sure they are fertile. What are you out but a few eggs? I am so sorry for your loss. I lost two of my favorite ducks to a coon a few months back. One was my Wood duck that I loved hearing out in my pen. I was sick and cried so I do know how you feel and I feel bad for you. I since then bought all new strong pens for them and put barrier around it to keep the coons out. I then ordered two more Wood Ducks from a farm that sell s them because I missed my one so much. I hope you can replenish your flock soon and that your Rooster makes it alright. It's a terrible feeling to lose an animal that you love, no matter what type it is. I feel for you. Sorry, I hadn't seen where you did not have any eggs left.
Oh no I am soo sorry. Wood ducks are so beautiful. I have lost a lot of ducks over the years because we let them free range and sometimes they just don't come back; I like to think they are leaving to have a better life elsewhere but I think sometimes the coyotes get them :( Luckily my rooster did pull through and he is happy and sassy once again lol
I’m so sorry for your loss :(. I had a similar thing happen three years ago. A fox killed 90 percent of my flock. Last summer a mink killed 4 hens and 9 baby chicks (hens were moms as well). It’s the saddest thing. I hope you find some new birds and I hope your birds loved you. They had a great life, I’m sure of it.
Oh my gosh that is devastating! I am so sorry to hear that, I can't imagine
Omg I am so sorry. I know how you feel! My favorite hen Red Girl was attacked by a dog and she was torn up pretty badly. I got her and cried like a baby because she was who I talked to when my mom died. I know I’m crazy but I just wanted to talk and she didn’t mind (I think) listening. She is almost healed completely now. She’s an older hen and doesn’t lay anymore but I don’t care!! She’s my emotional support hen. I just love my chickens!! They make me happy.
Awww oh my gosh I am SO glad she made it through! Such a relief to hear that she is okay
If it's possible on your property I recommend free-ranging. I've had raccoons come plenty of times and my chickens just fly away from them. Only a chicken locked into a coop is in danger from a raccoon
Yes I noticed that they one time I actually closed them into the coop was when this happened! I thought I was protecting them but nope. Ugh :(
I totally understand what you are feeling. This happened to me and my husband six months ago. We had our 5 chickens for four years secured in fencing with a mesh cover over that and they have a beautiful attached house. Of course all named and loved. They have chandeliers hanging in their outside area and a heater inside. The attack was a horrible shock. I went over the area and thought I double wired any area that may have been the issue. The next day there was only 1 left. I spent hours again making sure nothing could dig under the fence and I drilled PVC pipe along the length of the gate so it was so tight nothing could get in. I cried for days and had nightmares that this happened to our girls. We waited a few months and started again. We acquired pairs a few at time. We have 6 girls and Diego the rooster. Of course I still think of Minnie Moo, Kitty, Olive, and Cricket. They will always be in my heart forever. I hate that I was not more safety conscious for them.
I understand your grief. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Ugh I am so sorry. I feel the same, always wondering what I could have done differently/better. But someone told me "we do the best we can with the knowledge that we have at the time" or something like that and I do think that's comforting...

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