"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Does anyone know how to keep these little buggers from getting constipated? I have had to assist with two of them already, I thought everyone complains about it being runny and pasty butt. Mine is on the other side, can FF be the cause?
Very possible I'd think. My girls get FF. Their poo has no smell but became large and much more solid. Like, stays in a large half egg sized ball. Lol poop talk at breakfast time...give them a lil bit of yogurt it keep things flowing smooth. They produce less solid waste after a month or so on the FF (i free range all day and FF in the mornings.) I think their bodies are using the feed more efficiently so its not a bad thing. Unless you notice them in discomfort? Lol not sure how'd one look for that :/
Does anyone know how to keep these little buggers from getting constipated? I have had to assist with two of them already, I thought everyone complains about it being runny and pasty butt. Mine is on the other side, can FF be the cause?
Very possible I'd think. My girls get FF. Their poo has no smell but became large and much more solid. Like, stays in a large half egg sized ball. Lol poop talk at breakfast time...give them a lil bit of yogurt it keep things flowing smooth. They produce less solid waste after a month or so on the FF (i free range all day and FF in the mornings.) I think their bodies are using the feed more efficiently so its not a bad thing. Unless you notice them in discomfort? Lol not sure how'd one look for that

Thank you for the advice. The two I assisted were in discomfort for a while before I helped, I didn't want to stress them too much if they could manage it on their own. They would prop one leg up on the feeder and try to push peeping really loud every time they tried, in between tries they would look really tired and that area was pushed out far. I ran some warm water back there and on one had to massage the area to get it flowing again. They both took naps after then hit the feed again. They are the largest ones of the group so I think they are eating more feed than the rest.
OK, another update for you all:

I let them outside for the first time today(4 days old). At first they looked at the ground like what is this? Within a min they were all pecking and scratching. Now some are sunbathing, most are still foraging, and one is trying to fly around the pen.
Was wondering if anyone has some Mille Fleur D'uccle hatching eggs or up to 3 hens, and or a BB red hen ( my roo's GF was taken by a fox) in or near St. Tammany thanks
OK, another update for you all:

I let them outside for the first time today(4 days old). At first they looked at the ground like what is this? Within a min they were all pecking and scratching. Now some are sunbathing, most are still foraging, and one is trying to fly around the pen.
So cute! I think I feel "chicken math" coming on!!
Black broilers from Ideal Poultry. It was as hot outside as in the brooder, no wind, and I had just mowed so the crickets and ants were jumping. I couldn't pass up the opportunity for them to have a little sunlight. Everyone told me that broilers won't free range, you should have seen them playing keep away with the crickets! Most of them started scratching within a minute. They are back inside now eating FF. I do have two escape artists though, put them in time out for ten minutes then put them back in the pen. When I tried to get everyone out they were the hardest ones to get to leave. I think they learned their lesson.
Hi, all! I haven't been online in a while and I know I've missed a ton! I just started reading old posts, but I wanted to say hello.

I know several of you have peafowl and I'm hoping someone can give me an idea when I'll be able to sex my lil one. I hatched this one from a purple over India blue mating.



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