"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Ok...has anyone heard of using cayenne pepper in their chicken's feed as a worming preventative? I read something on BYC and wanted your thoughts and/or experiences with it. Thanks, Laurie

Yes it works well but please for the chickens sake provide them with crushed pepper instead of the powdered pepper even though the chickens taste buds are insensitive to the capsaicin their eyes, nares, and respiratory system is not. FYI

I found this online. Not sure if it works or not but it's worth a shot. It's suppose to kill weeds. :idunno I will try it and see it if really works. Replaces poison and won't harm pets/animals.

1 gallon of vinegar, 1/2 cup of salt and a couple of squirts of dawn dish detergent... Kills weeds and grass in less than two hours
So my hubby picked me up some day old pullets from a feed store about 4 months ago, my EE "pullet" is now breeding the hens... Like I needed another dang Roo! Never paid a lot of attention because its always been flighty, well, the past few days its been very inquisitive and coming up to me for treats, I noticed saddle feathers, then 3 minutes later.. Mounting. SMH
Yes it works well but please for the chickens sake provide them with crushed pepper instead of the powdered pepper even though the chickens taste buds are insensitive to the capsaicin their eyes, nares, and respiratory system is not. FYI

Thanks Jeff! Things have been so crazy with kids, work, and animals...I'm emberrased to say that I hadn't thought of that aspect yet.
That being said, I usually seem to have my AHH HAAA moments in the middle of the night!
As I asked Kuntrygirl, is this something that you would suggest doing, or is there something else you would use?

Thanks for your time, Laurie
Thanks Jeff! Things have been so crazy with kids, work, and animals...I'm emberrased to say that I hadn't thought of that aspect yet.
That being said, I usually seem to have my AHH HAAA moments in the middle of the night!
As I asked Kuntrygirl, is this something that you would suggest doing, or is there something else you would use?

Thanks for your time, Laurie
I would and have used it in the past not ever been a real go to for me as I usually de-worm twice a year with piperazine just for good measure. I can't say I've ever had an infestation problem of worms here but too I allow almost all of my birds free range time with the exceptions of the coop/caged ones which I don't think are really susceptible to contracting the worms or its harder to do so, anyway I think them out free ranging they find and consume stuffs (natural de-wormers) so to say. Some say the pepper is good to give them in the cooler weather as it supposedly warms them from the inside out, supposed to be a kick starter to make them produce "more better" IDK never did it or made a study of it.

Since we seem to be on the topic of worms, are tape worms regional? I came across a few threads on them and they all seem to be in the north west. My flock free ranges but no other animal on the property has ever gotten them. Just wondering.
Since we seem to be on the topic of worms, are tape worms regional? I came across a few threads on them and they all seem to be in the north west. My flock free ranges but no other animal on the property has ever gotten them. Just wondering.

I don't know really but here the dogs can get them from flea bites(transfused) I have rarely ever had to worm any dogs for them but as with any animal anythings possible, so it seems. Interesting study though, never thought about them to be regional.

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