"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

What is it this time?
Sometimes I want to scream when I talk to customers. :smack :mad:
Welcome to MY world!
Cute keets! "Fertile Acres" strikes again!
Terri, I talk to more morons than I ever have before. What are these people thinking? :smack I'm trying my best to hold my tongue (good customer service) but it's getting harder and harder to NOT say something. So they want you to give them something for nearly free, so that they can turn around and sell it to someone triple the price. )@U#)%U#@)(%*@)(*@)#(*)(*)(*)(* :smack These people must think I'm stupid. :smack
Ok, so I sold someone 2 pea eggs about a month ago. Being as though she bought the last 2 pea eggs (in which I gave her a GREAT discount on ;)) and she was excited about her new incubator and was wanting to hatch eggs. So, the nice person that I am (I ALWAYS give people free stuff - I mean ALWAYS.) I let her have 2 dozen eggs to try hatching. Now, mind you I did not set up my breeding pens for the chickens this year because I wanted to concentrate on hatching peas, geese, turkeys and guineas and that's what I did. So, she got mutt eggs for practice -no big deal. So, I get a call on yesterday and the lady asked me did I have black chickens with feathers on their feet, so I said yes. I told her that I have Copper Marans. I asked her why. She said because the eggs that were hatching, the chicks were black with feathers on their feet. Now mind you a year or so ago, someone (Robbie with James Marie Farms in Church Point - absolute wonderful person to know and so generous) did the same thing for me and gave me 2 FREE dozen Copper Marans eggs so that I could practice with my new incubator. And I think all of the eggs were fertile if I remember correctly, so all of them hatched. So, I always pay it forward to the next person when people bless me with things. So, when I gave her the 2 dozen eggs, I made sure that I put some of the Copper Maran eggs in. So these eggs were hatching and just about everything else was hatching (lot of fertility at my place ya know - ;) ) and of course the pea eggs were looking good.

So, she says that she wants to get 10 dozen more eggs. So I told her ok and that I would call her later once I'm done with my chores and have completed my other orders to let her know if I would have those eggs for her. So, after getting my orders together, I text her and told her that I would have 10 dozen eggs for her. Now she wants these eggs to hatch. So being as though like I said earlier, these eggs will be mixed and no certain breed, I told her that I would sell her these eggs for the same price as my customers pay for eating eggs. I explained if they were pure bred birds then of course the price would be more but not in this case. So I text her the total price. So she texts backs and asks me what kind or they just mixed. I told her it would be a mixture of eggs. So she said that she had to talk to her husband about it. I already know that she is wanting to get something for nothing right about now. She was so gun ho about wanting 10 dozen when we last talked a couple hours ago but now she has to talk to her husband about it? Ok, I wasn't born last night. Been doing this too long.

So this is what got under my skin. She texts me back and told me that she would be selling the chicks from the eggs that she got from me for $3.00 each and put a (LOL - Laugh of Loud behind the remark). And I'm ok with that because once the product leaves my hands, there is nothing I can do about what the seller does with it. So, then I get to thinking, this person is wanting to buy cheap eggs so that she can re-sell the chicks at a higher price. And that's ok but don't try to "play me stupid". So, I told her that she will be making a profit on the free eggs that i have her. So, she texts me back and told me that she didn't ask me to give her the free eggs. Ooooooooooooo, right about then, I wanted to get "get krazy" with her but I didn't. I replied and told her that I am a nice person and I don't mind helping others because so many people have helped me and I think it's the right thing to do. I don't believe in "getting over" on people or trying to cheat people out of whatever.

So, now I am debating if I should sell her even a piece of fertilizer from the chicken house let alone my mutt/mixed breed eggs. Like I said, once the person buys the product from me, I don't have any control what they do - if they re-sell or whatever but I think this person is trying to get something for nothing and then turn around and make a triple profit. So if I sell her, let's say a dozen of mutt breed eggs for $3.00 a dozen, she will turn around and sell those same mutt breed chicks (and will probably tell another buyer they are pure breed but that would be a lie) and make a profit of $36.00 minus the $3.00, so that would total $33.00.

So leaves me to wonder what should I do............................................:rolleyes:

Suggestions? Comments?
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Terri, I talk to more morons than I ever have before. What are these people thinking?
I'm trying my best to hold my tongue (good customer service) but it's getting harder and harder to NOT say something.

So they want you to give them something for nearly free, so that they can turn around and sell it to someone triple the price. )@U#)%U#@)(%*@)(*@)#(*)(*)(*)(*

These people must think I'm stupid.

Or, in my case, don't pay their bill for 3 months, run up a $1200 non-pay, then call all up in my face because their power got turned off & it's hot. What did they think was going to happen?
The good Utility fairy is on strike this week....

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