"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Ok so I have a question on when to cut the chickens wings? At what age? my little chicks are starting to want to take flight and at times with the running and jumping are actually getting air.

These are a few fb pages and websites that I have come across lately in my search for some good quality standard Cornish. There is good info scattered about through those pages. Lots of good reading. Found out there is a poultry show in Alexandria in March. And I found a couple of fb pages that are devoted to the Cornish breed. BOY was I DROOLING!!!! Oh my goodness! some of those birds are just so, so, so, so gorgeous!!!!

https://www.facebook.com/groups/cornishchickens/ This is one of the pages.

I ordered my first chicks from Sandhill. Coming after 4/15. I love that site. But I never noticed the buff cornish. Hmmmmmm
Ok so I have a question on when to cut the chickens wings? At what age? my little chicks are starting to want to take flight and at times with the running and jumping are actually getting air.

If its making you nervous you could go ahead and clip one or both wings. As long as they will still be able to access perches etc. Some breeds I clip their wings when they are young and still lighter in weight. But once they are larger and heavy they don't really need it. I guess its too much work to get that when they are full weight
Does anyone have a foto of a bearded man totally soaked in rain and mud saying that the critters are fed and watered and now it's time to rest? Oh, wait, that's me sans beard. Lol. Backstroke down the street. Seriously. Water almost in my house. Hope it slows up soon. No lol on that one.
I ordered my first chicks from Sandhill. Coming after 4/15. I love that site. But I never noticed the buff cornish. Hmmmmmm
Cornish Cross or CX CROSS are white birds that eat constantly, until they are processed at 6 weeks. They have a history of leg problems and other health issues due to the massive weight they take on so darn fast. They are the best and fastest way to get meat quick...
I have chosen not to get these (though one day I may change my mind) because I couldnt stand to see them suffering and not able to move around very good. But a LOT LOT of people really prefer them for meat... then the breed of their choice to love and nurture for eggs. I may end up doing it at least once... That is why I have chosen to get the Black Cornish, they take 14 weeks until process time and dont have the leg problems I read... so we shall see. Someone one here can tell you how much feed they go through before harvest time... So far I couldnt afford it... But the meat they put off Ms, Linda is MUCH MUCH more than the meat you saw on my birds that's for sure!!!!
Are you serious?????? What moonshine have you been drinking? (really wanted to reference something else but I may get a thrashing by the mods if I say that) :lau

The only aiming I want to do is aim for the bed after dealing with my few little critters. :lau


LOL :lau This pic never gets old. :lau

Is this what you want?
Cornish Cross or CX CROSS are white birds that eat constantly, until they are processed at 6 weeks. They have a history of leg problems and other health issues due to the massive weight they take on so darn fast. They are the best and fastest way to get meat quick...
I have chosen not to get these (though one day I may change my mind) because I couldnt stand to see them suffering and not able to move around very good. But a LOT LOT of people really prefer them for meat... then the breed of their choice to love and nurture for eggs. I may end up doing it at least once... That is why I have chosen to get the Black Cornish, they take 14 weeks until process time and dont have the leg problems I read... so we shall see. Someone one here can tell you how much feed they go through before harvest time... So far I couldnt afford it... But the meat they put off Ms, Linda is MUCH MUCH more than the meat you saw on my birds that's for sure!!!!
The STANDARD CORNISH are the ones I am looking at also. They are much slower growing. But I hope that you get to choose a few of your best looking hens to keep for breeding your own meat chickens. The standard Cornish are just one of the breeds that we are going to do this with.
They don't suffer if raised right.
They can range with layers just fine to due to size. For just a few at a time I totally recommend it...more than that it gets messy but I haven't had any of the horror story deaths in raising them, only our own stupidity as far as splayed leg on newspaper in the beginning and predatory animals. I have a batch now at 11 weeks and they're going strong(minus 2 to a predator yesterday and today) they were free ranged from 2-3 weeks old and fed twice a day. Now if left to sit and eat and not move in a cage, and eat and eat and eat, ya they have problems, but let um loose and treat like a porker of a layer and they'll live quite awhile.
Cornish Cross or CX CROSS are white birds that eat constantly,  until they are processed at 6 weeks.  They have a history of leg problems and other health issues due to the massive weight they take on so darn fast.  They are the best and fastest way to get meat quick... 
I have chosen not to get these (though one day I may change my mind) because I couldnt stand to see them suffering and not able to move around very good. But a LOT LOT of people really prefer them for meat... then the breed of their choice to love and nurture for eggs.  I may end up doing it at least once...  That is why I have chosen to get the Black Cornish, they take 14 weeks until process time and dont have the leg problems I read... so we shall see.  Someone one here can tell you how much feed they go through before harvest time... So far I couldnt afford it...  But the meat they put off Ms, Linda is MUCH MUCH more than the meat you saw on my birds that's for sure!!!!
They don't suffer if raised right.
They can range with layers just fine to due to size. For just a few at a time I totally recommend it...more than that it gets messy but I haven't had any of the horror story deaths in raising them, only our own stupidity as far as splayed leg on newspaper in the beginning and predatory animals. I have a batch now at 11 weeks and they're going strong(minus 2 to a predator yesterday and today) they were free ranged from 2-3 weeks old and fed twice a day. Now if left to sit and eat and not move in a cage, and eat and eat and eat, ya they have problems, but let um loose and treat like a porker of a layer and they'll live quite awhile.

I also did not have any of the horror stories that I have read about.
Angel, hope you find your baby. CrackedNut, watch out on that four wheeler driving, look straight ahead, not up. Lol. Kuntrygirl, that frozen man never gets old. To everyone, thanks for your sweet comments about my sweet kitty.

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