"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I'm surprised at how well my upside down chick is doing. All 6 that are with broody mom are doing great. Pretty cool.



Not the best picture, but all 6 are there in the first picture. I did put her back in the box last night, and I will tonight too if she doesn't go in on her own. I'm sure it will hold their heat better. I want them out of the way for some housekeeping any way at bedtime anyway.
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I Just got a beautiful baby to add to our flock we will call pickles I am so excited
My husband made me swear on our marriage license that it will be the last one
. When most women get old they become a crazy cat lady, I guess I will be the crazy Chicken lady..LOL
Quick questions about roosts and poop:

Are chickens more likely to be poop covered with a ladder roost? Am I the only ones with chickens that get pooped on regularly?
Don't ya just hate that? My white rocks are so big that we had to change out the 2.5 " round poles (they were too unsteady) to 2'x 4' flat boards. BUT the rungs were too close together and they are so big that anyone that can't fit on the top rung gets pooped on. Thankfully there is enough room for the 8 to fit but it's not an answer. I have all this room and can't use the other 3 roosts.
On my second coop I'm going a different route. I'm getting the 40 ISA Brown pullets next month and when I have the roosts built, I'm going the way the hatcheries do. Same height, 2' from floor and plenty of room to walk under I have room to have two or even three on the south side about 8' long and enough room to do the same on the west side. Maybe 3 on one and 2 on the other. For the nest boxes I think I'm going to do 5 community boxes that will hold 4 at a time. I'll have room to add some small ones also. Just thinking. Who knows what I'll end up with. My handyman is old school and doesn't like these new fangled ideas of 2' tall roosts and community boxes. But if it works and it does, I'll go with it.
Ok, how's this look? It's the only pic I got before my phone died. Some had more defined spots, and some less. Every egg had something except egg #2, which has tiny cracks. Guess I should toss that one.


EDIT TO ADD: average weight loss was 6g, as high as 8g and as low as 4g. Weight loss is anywhere from 7% to 14%. I think that may be the thing that makes me crazy. I guess the best thing to do is stick to the average; with it so varied, there's no way I can accommodate each individual need.

Thoughts? Am I overthinking this?
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Linda what is the advantage of extending the hatch time?
That's not the reason to do it, that is just a side effect. The daily cool down allows the eggs to develop better and the hatch rate is up a lot and the mortality is down. I'll make do with an extra 9 hrs hatch time in order to get these great benefits. The mortality is down because a lot fewer die from day 18 on until hatch and don't usually drown with a lower humidity rate of 55% up to pipping. It raises automatically when they start hatching. The moisture of the egg etc. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed on these. My first time of doing it. I'm so new that I've had 4 almost duds on shipments. Two didn't hatch at and the other 2 hatches only gave me 2 out of 15. I ordered from 2 guys and their packing was wretched. I told them about how to do it better and they sent me the new shipments with exactly the same shipping method. One was a real jerk. I ordered white rocks and they were duds. So he shipped me more and the two that hatched were black mutts. And one egg started smelling at day 3 and was black inside. Coincidence about that after I complained? Sure, I'll bet.. But my first 2 shipments were wonderful. I ordered Super Blue egg layers from DMRippy and she packs good and they were 11 out of 14 and 11 out of 18. That's why the next 4 shipments were SUCH a disappointment. Boohoo, DMRippy is retiring from chicken selling. Selling out I think.
The eggs in lockdown were sent from a distance of about 6 hours by truck. Post Office. I sent her a foam insert and she packed it in a 12" x 12" x 5" box at a charge of $15.75. I paid about $8 for the insert to be shipped to her. So my total cost for these are $38. All three of the Lemon Cukoo Orphingtons are in great shape and she said they travel well and hatch easily. Four of the 12 Basques were clear. Only one was fertilized. I'm not crazy about the Orpington because it looks so much like a Buff, from the picture I've seen, but they may be a great bargain in the long run. Seeing double so I guess I'll go to bed.

Oh, oh, almost forgot the MOST important thing. I got my smart phone today and will be able to learn to post pictures. Woohoo. I've been looking forward for this a long time. I know nothing about how to work it yet. Never used one before. My regular little cell was so easy. But I'm thrilled.
Hello!! I'm so behind I didn't even try to catch up. Lol. My two 1 1/2 year old Amercaunas quit laying when they molted but hasn't laid not one egg since. They were great layers prior to molt. I've looked for a hiding place but I really am sure they aren't laying somewhere else. My others (black star and RIR's) all molted and began laying again. Molt has been over more than a month. Any ideas? They are eating good quality layer feed free choice. Free choice oyster, too.

It's winter they may not start again till the days are longer. The more light the better they lay we just had all these gloomy days and rain too. I'm guessing because mine all started to get back up to snuff I got nine eggs yesterday . And seven today. Pam
Don't ya just hate that?   My white rocks are so big that we had to change out the 2.5 " round poles (they were too unsteady) to 2'x 4' flat boards.  BUT the rungs were too close together and they are so big that anyone that can't fit on the top rung gets pooped  on.  Thankfully there is enough room for the 8 to fit but it's not an answer.  I have all this room and can't use the other  3 roosts.   
On my second coop I'm going a different route.  I'm getting the 40 ISA Brown pullets next month and when I have the roosts built, I'm going the way the hatcheries do.   Same height,  2' from floor and plenty of room to walk under I have room to have two or even three on the south side about 8' long and enough room to do the same on the west side.  Maybe 3 on one and 2 on the other.   For the nest boxes I think I'm going to do 5 community boxes that will hold 4 at a time.  I'll have room to add some small ones also.  Just thinking.  Who knows what I'll end up with.  My handyman is old school and doesn't like these new fangled ideas of 2' tall roosts and community boxes.  But if it works and it does, I'll go with it.   :D

That's a good idea on the roosts. My coop is 6x4, too small for the size of my flock but they only use it for sleeping, so I don't sweat it too much. The roosts are exactly one chicken too small, as is. :/ I'm one box short, as well. I may have to bite the bullet and try to build some exterior boxes and save all the room for roosts.

My next coop will be a PALACE.
Quick questions about roosts and poop:

Are chickens more likely to be poop covered with a ladder roost? Am I the only ones with chickens that get pooped on regularly?

It's the pecking order and sh!t runs down hill if the poop is hiting you well your at the bottom of the pecking order. My older hen one of the legbars I call Vixen will jump on top of the brooder just to bomb my chicks. She's such a snit to them but sweet to people. I need to make it so she can't get there. Pam
It's the pecking order and sh!t runs down hill if the poop is hiting you well your at the bottom of the pecking order. My older hen one of the legbars I call Vixen will jump on top of the brooder just to bomb my chicks. She's such a snit to them but sweet to people. I need to make it so she can't get there. Pam

LOL! That's the funniest thing I've read all day. :cd :lau

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