"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I watched one of my birds eat an anole lizard a couple weeks ago and was surprised when it swallowed it down whole, head first.

Today one of the birds found a toad. I watched it for a bit and ran to grab my camera for you guys to see. I was curious to see if the bird was going to be able to swallow it.

After walking around with it for awhile and shaking it to disembowel the poor toad.

It managed to keep the toad away from the other birds.

The bird swallowed it down whole.
Here you can just make out the leg of the toad. Was it Ricrow asking about the Buckeye snake/mouse trait! There's no doubt in my mind this bird would eat a mouse. :)

The holidays and all the rainy weather we had really slowed me down on the run addition I began a few weeks ago.
I'm finally able to get back on this project. The addition will be divided into three sections. One for each section of the coop.
Each section will be over 1000sqft to average about thirty birds per section.
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I watched one of my birds eat an anole lizard a couple weeks ago and was surprised when it swallowed it down whole, head first. Today one of the birds found a toad. I watched it for a bit and ran to grab my camera for you guys to see. I was curious to see if the bird was going to be able to swallow it. After walking around with it for awhile and shaking it to disembowel the poor toad. It managed to keep the toad away from the other birds. The bird swallowed it down whole. Here you can just make out the leg of the toad. Was it Ricrow asking about the Buckeye snake/mouse trait! There's no doubt in my mind this bird would eat a mouse. :) The holidays and all the rainy weather we had really slowed me down on the run addition I began a few weeks ago. I'm finally able to get back on this project. The addition will be divided into three sections. One for each section of the coop. Each section will be over 1000sqft to average about thirty birds per section.
That last picture!!!! Chicken heaven!!!
I watched one of my birds eat an anole lizard a couple weeks ago and was surprised when it swallowed it down whole, head first. Today one of the birds found a toad. I watched it for a bit and ran to grab my camera for you guys to see. I was curious to see if the bird was going to be able to swallow it. After walking around with it for awhile and shaking it to disembowel the poor toad. It managed to keep the toad away from the other birds. The bird swallowed it down whole. Here you can just make out the leg of the toad. Was it Ricrow asking about the Buckeye snake/mouse trait! There's no doubt in my mind this bird would eat a mouse. :) The holidays and all the rainy weather we had really slowed me down on the run addition I began a few weeks ago. I'm finally able to get back on this project. The addition will be divided into three sections. One for each section of the coop. Each section will be over 1000sqft to average about thirty birds per section.
Oh my goodness!! They're so big!!! I swear everyone's birds mature faster than mine that I got as babies. I guess it's the australorp blood that makes them so slow? Everyones's got combs and wattles now, so I think that when one starts laying, they all will. I don't (prefer not to) have any light in the coop, but should I get some fake eggs? Would that encourage those who were laying to start again?
Oh my goodness!! They're so big!!! I swear everyone's birds mature faster than mine that I got as babies. I guess it's the australorp blood that makes them so slow?

Everyones's got combs and wattles now, so I think that when one starts laying, they all will. I don't (prefer not to) have any light in the coop, but should I get some fake eggs? Would that encourage those who were laying to start again?

They will come around. They probably just need longer daylight hours. Every day is a few minutes longer, so its coming! Every breed is different too. Some breeds just take a short break in fall when they molt and older hens often take a longer break than young ones. Keep checking that coop for eggs!






Thank God for SUNSHINE today!!!! And warm temps. Although I feel this cold coming something fierce! The chicks really enjoyed the sun and their greens today. Babies are all doing good. Although there are some chicks and young ones I want to sell, hope I find people that are interested!

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