"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

All this talk about goats...my wife wants some so I guess we'll be looking. I guess it's ok for them to be in the same yard???

BTW, Ainsley helped me pick eggs this afternoon and wanted to hold one so here's a pic. She's 2

A friend bright me a present to church yesterday morning and stuck it in the broom closet. Then gave it to my kids after church. :lau:lau



A dozen chicken nugget babies. Cornish X They are already STUFFING themselves. They are all about the food of course.

She gave them to us. But I gave her back a batch of Golden Paste and some fresh green onions from the garden. I'm going to get some fermented feed going for them today. I'm looking forward to chicken dinners because I just can't being myself to buy chicken meat at the store anymore after the last few years. Once I are homegrown that was THAT.

I agree! I hate buying chicken in the store now, especially after finding a local guy who will butcher for $3.50 a bird! He did a great job, and even puts them out before he kills them so it's humane. Plus you know what your chickens eat and how they were raised. The health of the chicken is equivalent to our health when we eat the bird. :)

I guess according to my chickens spring is coming. We have new Layers that have gotten work with their first eggs in the last week. And some that had been on break starting back to it. We didn't use any supplemental lighting at all through this winter. So it has been a bit different with running on a very lean supply of eggs. But we made it! I even had enough to sell 2 dozen at the swap last weekend. One the new Layers laid a pretty green egg. Her mom is EE and her Dad is our Malay. We have 2 more like her that should follow her example soon. And another black pullet laid her first yesterday. Nice size on both of those for being new Layers! I'm very happy with their egg size from these 3. We bred, hatched and raised them here. That is the best part of all of it. We may still the smallest EE pullet at next month's swap. Hopefully she will be laying by then. She is a nice hen but a bit smaller than the other 2 EE pullets. I only want to keep the biggest. My profile picture had the 3 EEs and the 2 black sex links pictured. They are tough girls. The funniest thing is seeing then chase off wild birds that come near their pen. The oldest black one in particular will charge at the fence and the wild birds fly off. It cracks me up. They don't take any guff! But they are sweet with us.


Raven, the older BSL. She is about 9months and had laid eggs almost all winter through from last fall. The younger 4 still have plenty of filling out to do.


My new green egg there at the bottom with an Orpington egg at the top. I love my green eggs!

I love it! It is so awesome to raise your own! The love egg color, pretty!
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We're home! We're home! Ragnar and Lagertha made only two peeps the whole way home; I can only assume they were lulled by my singing. ;)

Loved finally getting to meet Pam and Ron!! Such very sweet people, and such beautiful pups and birds! :love

We're home! We're home! Ragnar and Lagertha made only two peeps the whole way home; I can only assume they were lulled by my singing. ;)

Loved finally getting to meet Pam and Ron!! Such very sweet people, and such beautiful pups and birds! :love

So glad you had a safe trip and everyone had a easy move. It was great to meet you in person. I bet they were soothed by your songs. Love your names I watch that two. You were a delight to meet too. Can't wait to see pics as they grow.. Pam

We're home! We're home! Ragnar and Lagertha made only two peeps the whole way home; I can only assume they were lulled by my singing. ;)

Loved finally getting to meet Pam and Ron!! Such very sweet people, and such beautiful pups and birds! :love

So glad you had a safe trip and everyone had a easy move. It was great to meet you in person. I bet they were soothed by your songs. Love your names I watch that two. You were a delight to meet too. Can't wait to see pics as they grow.. Pam



We all had breakfast together. :love Ragnar is being very sweet to her. No more squabbling. They slept snuggled up like doves, and he stands between her and the door when anything new happens. So very sweet. :)

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