Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

We had a lab that chased away a skunk from the coop one night. Although she did a great job and paid dearly for it, she didn't even get a pat on the head. She stunk so bad. I poured 4 large cans of tomato juice on her and rubbed it all over and left it all winter. She was a sight. After it warmed up and I gave her a bath she still had residue stink on her. So another dousing with tomato juice and left it on for a while then another bath. She still had a faint stink but i didn't cover her in tomato juice again. It was a good yeara before she didn't stink anymore. She lives with my brother n law now. We live on a busy road now so we sent her to live with him for a while. When we got her back because we missed her so much she was so depressed. So we took her back and shes happy again. She would ratther have her freedom than be stuck in the house or on a chain,

Can't say as I blame her. And my oldest grandson likes the smell of skunk when one is in the area. I bet he wouldn't if he got sprayed. lol
Goodnight everybody, my day starts in a couple hours
Well this is the second time in 2 wks that the creek has flooded! I am really not liking this! This time the creek stayed in it's banks all day, then right after my hubby and his dad left for bowling @ 8 the creek started rising then part of the bank gave way at 9:45 by 10 the field behind the house was flooded! A Water rescue at 10pm is not fun especially when you have a sleeping 3 yr old and 2 yr old in your bed because they had bad dreams that mommy was gone when they woke up. Out and back in 15 the hardest to deal with was the bunnies we have never given them a bath but they hate standing water worse then the cats, this time i was prepared when snatching them and wore my thick hunting jacket. The chickens in their coops were easy nothing much to do their they are 2 ft off the ground, now I sit and wait and watch the water if it rises to high then i will be moving every body into the garage! Wish me luck in not having to move them again! I think its time to move to a new place were the creek isn't so close.
I really hope with all this rain that the power doesn't go out, the chickens out side will be fine as it is warm out but the eggs in the incubator and the chicks in the brooders are my main concern.
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I just candled again and apparently there is a fertility issue in one of the quail pens.
I also took out almost all of the frizzled cochins I got from a swap and another EE that I bought, 2 PR's and one silkie of mine and a whopping 49 quail eggs. That leaves me with 92 eggs when I started with 175. Thats not counting the ones under the broody's. It won't make that much difference. Just a little over half. I just may get that worst hatch prize. lol Well, I made more room for more quail eggs.
Well this is the second time in 2 wks that the creek has flooded! I am really not liking this! This time the creek stayed in it's banks all day, then right after my hubby and his dad left for bowling @ 8 the creek started rising then part of the bank gave way at 9:45 by 10 the field behind the house was flooded! A Water rescue at 10pm is not fun especially when you have a sleeping 3 yr old and 2 yr old in your bed because they had bad dreams that mommy was gone when they woke up. Out and back in 15 the hardest to deal with was the bunnies we have never given them a bath but they hate standing water worse then the cats, this time i was prepared when snatching them and wore my thick hunting jacket. The chickens in their coops were easy nothing much to do their they are 2 ft off the ground, now I sit and wait and watch the water if it rises to high then i will be moving every body into the garage! Wish me luck in not having to move them again! I think its time to move to a new place were the creek isn't so close.
I really hope with all this rain that the power doesn't go out, the chickens out side will be fine as it is warm out but the eggs in the incubator and the chicks in the brooders are my main concern.

So sorry you're having flooding problems. We have two creeks through our property, but thankfully they have never flooded. Unfortunately, it appears we are going to continue to get more rain for the next few days. It's raining here again, but lightly now. If it doesn't rain too hard, maybe your creek will be able to handle it.
Good luck!


Sit down everyone.

In my almost 54 years on the planet I have never sipped, nor tasted, nor drank even a drop of coffee.

Believe it or not.


I have a lovely pair of Silchins. They are really the cutest shape possible. I think this is the broodiest hen possible, as well. She lays 4 or 5 eggs then sits. She's done this twice and is all of 8 months old.

I don't intend to keep breeding this combo...I need to find someone to take them.

Sooooo cute!

What are silchins ????

A K Michelle,I'm not dreamin of my EMU, I'm dreamin of Kathy's EMUs, nothing raised in this house is ever going to do yard work, this we know.

Jessshan8: Cool Incubator plan, looks like a job for DH ~ can you guarantee he'll get shocked?


This is in response to someone but multiquote didn't work...

Boyfriend can't take care of the skunks, so I do. Boyfriend hates skunks more than anything on the planet. If we smell a dead skunk while we're driving he starts retching. It's really that bad for him. I've thrown up a few times while trying to bag a juicy one, but I do it.

The first skunk I ever shot was one that kept coming around dusk and digging up my fence to try to get in my run. I asked boyfriend if I should shoot it, and he gave me the "Please don't, it'll stink" lecture. Well this was a few years ago and he wasn't living here. He was working the late shift at work so on Monday night I shot the thing (really, I don't listen well). I bagged it and left it in the driveway. I figured I'd feign diarrhea or something at work and leave about an hour early, go home, grab the bag-o-skunk-carcass, strap it to the top of my car, and take it to the dump and he wouldn't be the wiser. I was pretty proud of myself for my ingenuity and sneakiness.

So... about 1030 the next morning (Tuesday) I get a text from him asking if I needed anything done or picked up before he went into work. He's nice like that. So I write back that I'm ok. He then said that he had already been to my house, filled the stove up and took the trash to the dump.

Oh, crap.

So I text back, trying to be as non-chalant as possible... thanking him for doing it. I get back: "And yes, I got the bag in the driveway with the dead skunk in it that I asked you nicely not to shoot."


So anyway, I take care of the skunks by default. And I will never, ever get away with anything.

yeah, men are weird but good that way.
MEN, can't live with them, can't live without them!!!

Vicks VapoRub really IS what pathologists use in autopsies if they are not smokers or coffee drinkers.

<*evil grin*>

...Hey, I've just had a lot of experiences in my life.....


I need to see some more of those Celeb Look-Alike pics...I'll get you started with a few old ones. Be sure to check the rules before submitting. I have gotten a couple and will put up a page tonight.

KathyinMO posted a pic from The Warden from some time back and nearly killed me with coffee in my nose.


OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! too creepy!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am ssooo sorry SCG!!!!
you know its weird, my hens are fine but my roosters can't live more then 2-3 years........... its heart braking for me.

That's cute.. I think I want one of this mug...Will be dropping hints to kids that there's a cute mom mug out there. Or, probably could get this on a T~shirt. Pretty cute, I just counted the chicks, I have just that many kids too! Hey!

you have 11 kids?!?!?!?!?!

ok now i'm scaird!!!!!!

I did some fur trapping this last winter. I caught, dispatched and skinned 2 skunks. After the first one, I told people it's not as bad as you would think, very pretty fur. That second one though....oh! He sprayed four times before being dispatched. I was using a revolver and was shooting from a distance for obvious reasons. I shot once and waited, nothing happen and he wasn't moving. know, ya gotta get in close to check things out. He was just fakin it and turned and sprayed me as I was retreating backwards and firing again! I tried to get close as I didn't want to miss again. Did you know they can spray like 20 feet?! Finally, eyes watering and the stench just kickin my butt I took steady aim and he gave one last spray! My wife was not happy that week! My favorite camo hunting suit is still hanging on the fence outside. I'm not sure if it is ever allowed back in the house. I get to enjoy it all one more time as I am getting ready to tan all the furs I caught. I'm not one to waste things no matter how retched they may be.

i'm weird this way too!!!!!!!!!!

I want one of these! How beautifull!!!
Sit down everyone.

In my almost 54 years on the planet I have never sipped, nor tasted, nor drank even a drop of coffee.

Believe it or not.

My dad made my mom a cup of coffee every morning for 62 years. It was just the way she liked it, Coffee Mate and milk, tablespoon of sugar. He started bringing me a cup when I was the only one of us four still at home. I was eight. I have been a coffee drinker for 42 years and I can drink it any way, any strength, and even warmed over from the day before!

So at 430 I kicked broody Black Betty off her nest. She seemed fine. She ate and laid down in the shavings for a bit. Had a colossal broody poo. She's been broody less than a week. And she's a great broody.

At 645 I went out to put the chickens to bed. I'm missing a chicken. Black Betty isn't in her nest.

I find her under the coop, she looks like shes laying on dirt thinking it's her eggs. So I pick up a 2x4 to push her with it and try to convince her to go back to bed. She acts really weird and stiff and pretty much rolls in a 180. I am able to run around the coop and pick her up. She's stiff and weak, can't stand, can't keep her head up.

She's dying. I know it.

She's on my lap right now, I brought her into the house where it's warm (cause she was cold) so she can die somewhat comfortably.

What could have possibly happened in the slightly more than 2 hours since I threw her off the nest?

I am so sorry, it makes me so sad when this happens. Just keep her as comfortable as possible and remember that she had a very happy life with you. You did right by her.


Also some of you may have noticed Laree's been MIA. She's been up to super secret important work lately and was unable to run her Liar, Liar Pants on Fire Contest.

However, she still had a prize to give away.

She used a random number generator to choose a random post number, and will give the prize away to the poster of the random number chosen.

The winner is... Cynthia12 on Post # 6635

Congratulations, Cynthia! You posted and won! Please PM LareePQG your mailing address.

Congratulations! You lucky ducky, you!

I'm sorry, Deb, I didn't quite catch what you posted, can you repeat it?
Just kidding you, girl, seriously, how DID that happen?


Well this is the second time in 2 wks that the creek has flooded! I am really not liking this! This time the creek stayed in it's banks all day, then right after my hubby and his dad left for bowling @ 8 the creek started rising then part of the bank gave way at 9:45 by 10 the field behind the house was flooded! A Water rescue at 10pm is not fun especially when you have a sleeping 3 yr old and 2 yr old in your bed because they had bad dreams that mommy was gone when they woke up. Out and back in 15 the hardest to deal with was the bunnies we have never given them a bath but they hate standing water worse then the cats, this time i was prepared when snatching them and wore my thick hunting jacket. The chickens in their coops were easy nothing much to do their they are 2 ft off the ground, now I sit and wait and watch the water if it rises to high then i will be moving every body into the garage! Wish me luck in not having to move them again! I think its time to move to a new place were the creek isn't so close.
I really hope with all this rain that the power doesn't go out, the chickens out side will be fine as it is warm out but the eggs in the incubator and the chicks in the brooders are my main concern.

ssooo sorry for you and your kids!!!!!!!
I have a question about giving some eggs to a broody. I have a Salmon Favorelle that has gone broody. I am thinking about giving her some eggs out of the incubator on Monday. This will be the first time for "One eyed Jackie". Am I better off giving her a couple eggs on Monday or just putting chicks under her after they hatch?

What everyone else is saying. Sometimes the mom doesn't accept chicks. She does well if they hatch under her. If she hasn't been sitting for long enough even if the eggs hatch under her she might not be ready to mother.

Here is one of my wildlife pals:

This guy is a regular at dinner time. He could have sprayed me many times but so far he's been calm around me. What you can't see in this picture is the opossum in the green garbage can on the right
He at least has moved out!

ACK! That is not a sight I'd like to see.
Just finished my hot cup of coffee. Big pot of green tea brewing, - one cup consumed now, and one brought in a thermos for lunchtime.

I cannot wait to candle eggs Saturday night! We will go out to dinner with friends tonight, and Friday night is the only night I have a drink, so I don't want to take any chances candling. Thanks to Chestnutridge's photos, it looks like it will be pretty obvious which a good and bad, so I can finally pull the clears and quitters.

While we were building our house, we lived in " the shack", a one room building (now the chicken coop) with only one entrance. The cat would scratch at the door, and I would open it to find her sitting there right next to a skunk! I slammed the door and remained trapped in my own home for a while.

I've also had some close calls with skunks while running down the road in early morning darkness. Luckily, we don't have much traffic on our road, because now I run right down the center if it is dark, swerving crazily for every tiny patch of white that I see on the side (usually just a piece of trash)! :D

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