Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

Just finished my hot cup of coffee. Big pot of green tea brewing, - one cup consumed now, and one brought in a thermos for lunchtime.
I cannot wait to candle eggs Saturday night! We will go out to dinner with friends tonight, and Friday night is the only night I have a drink, so I don't want to take any chances candling. Thanks to Chestnutridge's photos, it looks like it will be pretty obvious which a good and bad, so I can finally pull the clears and quitters.
While we were building our house, we lived in " the shack", a one room building (now the chicken coop) with only one entrance. The cat would scratch at the door, and I would open it to find her sitting there right next to a skunk! I slammed the door and remained trapped in my own home for a while.
I've also had some close calls with skunks while running down the road in early morning darkness. Luckily, we don't have much traffic on our road, because now I run right down the center if it is dark, swerving crazily for every tiny patch of white that I see on the side (usually just a piece of trash)!

I am envisioning Pepe Le Pew chasing his "girlfriend" to your door (le pant, le pant) . . .
Don't have a clue what woke me up. All seems quiet outside. Bator is hummin' along at 100.1

I've actually rested last night.

Nice and mild outside.

57.9 °F
Mostly Cloudy

88° | 64°

91° | 61°

77° | 54°

82° | 55°

86° | 59°​

The older boys need to get the lawns mowed and the back porch cleaned up (where they've been "raising" the two pups) They are cute little things but they make a HUGE mess.

Today's topics are "Street Drugs" in the AM and "General Health" in the afternoon. and I've GOT to get to Mesa to pick up some chicken coop cleaning supplies. (Oxine among other things)

Have a good one y'all....

I have a question about giving some eggs to a broody. I have a Salmon Favorelle that has gone broody. I am thinking about giving her some eggs out of the incubator on Monday. This will be the first time for "One eyed Jackie". Am I better off giving her a couple eggs on Monday or just putting chicks under her after they hatch?

Myself, I would put eggs under her (I usually do this after dark to disturb the broody less). I have been blessed with 3 broodies so far during this hatch and have put eggs under all of them. Just be SURE your hen is truly settled down to work before you give her the eggs from the incubator. It would be awful if she decided she wasn't serious and you lost the eggs. Good Luck!

We have only
days until hatch day!! Get those contest entries in, there are some great prizes to be had!! Love all the interesting ideas being posted and helpful information about all kinds of subjects.
Don't know about y'all but I'm getting antsy.

I looked in the hovabator this morning and I'm thinking...

"How many of these pretty eggs are going to have chicks pop out?"!!!!

It's good I'm plenty busy!
I guess I'll candle quick before the sun comes up. I need the space for eggs.

It's going to be a loooooooong day. I have too much to do. But I'm going to do it all, because then I'll get a great sense of accomplishment, right!?

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