
Interesting reading about building projects. I need to finally move my 5x5 coop over about 15 feet so I can build a good long run. This is a good lesson for everyone . Make sure you build your coop exactly where you want it because they get really heavy! Some disturbing news for me. I'm in New York this week . Brand new grandson. My husband was instructed with the last thing I said " just keep them alive til I get back!" Well Wednesday night I called. One if my RIR got attacked. It's missing feathers down to the skin but he didnt see any blood. He thinks it was a dog.Lots of dogs "get loose" in this neighborhood lately . He tells me the dog officer didnt have much to say. I will have plenty to say when I get home!!!! I hope the 6 of them make it to next Monday. This is the 3 rd time since last fall. I feel like the neighbors will say the chickens wandered into their yard last summer so ... I want to get the run built next week when I get home to make sure they are safe when I'm not home.
Wow, hubby and I are amateurs here with only 6 years! :)

Woohoo, quailtrail!!

So frustrating, suzME! I hope your RIR gets better and your run built!
Woohoo! Day 19 yesterday and already had several eggs zipping and chirping! This morning their holes were bigger and still chirping. Out of 14 delivered eggs, 12 were still developing last weekend so hoping to get a good hatch. Having real troubles with keeping my humidity high though. Hope it doesn't cause all kinds of complications! EE and supposedly Ameraucana's but I'm sure all EEs. Can't wait to see what comes out for colors! We are going away for the night and I wondered how will already hatched chicks be in the incubator if I have a drawn out hatch. If some are already zipping at 19, they'll be waiting for 21 day kiddos. Will they be ok? Or should I remove them to the brooder and risk opening the incubator?

I take the whole lock down thing with a huge grain of salt. If I have a valid reason to open the bator, I will open it. My first hatch went great with 5 of 5 eggs that went down into lock down getting out on their own. (in spite of opening the bator several times) I had to put the last one into a little basket to finish hatching, b/c every time she made progress, one of the other chicks would send the egg rolling. Last hatch, I had some shrink wrapping, then panicked and raised the humidity too high. But, still got 20/25 that went into lock down.

I would rather move my dried chicks to the brooder if it appears that there will be an extended hatch.
I take the whole lock down thing with a huge grain of salt. If I have a valid reason to open the bator, I will open it. My first hatch went great with 5 of 5 eggs that went down into lock down getting out on their own. (in spite of opening the bator several times) I had to put the last one into a little basket to finish hatching, b/c every time she made progress, one of the other chicks would send the egg rolling. Last hatch, I had some shrink wrapping, then panicked and raised the humidity too high. But, still got 20/25 that went into lock down.

I would rather move my dried chicks to the brooder if it appears that there will be an extended hatch.

Congrats to all the folks with eggs hatching, and to all the others who have new chicks.
anyone know the duck guy near Monroe? What his profile name is? Looking for contact info for a friend near Dixmont who is looking for ducks.

Its not a guy. I believe there is a woman who is in here now and then. Her avatar is of ducks swimming in a large basting pan, one real and one rubber I think. I am trying a search for you but I am not succeeding. I will pm you if I find them
Hi Ash, it's me, the one with the duck in the roasting pan. Ducklucky from Monroe. Your friend did send me a message, but unfortunately, I don't think it would be healthy to break up my little flock, they are pretty tight and afraid they would pine for their sisters just as much. But have a mess of eggs in the 'bator, so will be offering them up in May. Also getting a mess of guineas if you are interested, the ticks are real bad here and it is out of necessity to have them. And maybe some RI reds too. Just letting you know, and will stay in touch with your friend if she is interested. Good hearing from you again! Jill

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