Meyer Hatchery: A Raise A long (Black & Blue Copper Marans, Cuckoo Marans, Easter Egger and Olive Eggers Galore)

Did some digging through all the babies. The lovely grey one in my hand is one of the EE/Olive Eggers (very sweet) and social. The one I'm holding for the black ones I believe is the rooster but I've double checked up and down and do not see a blue band and the only ones banded in this batch were the blue copper marans. So I'll contact Meyer tomorrow to see if it's uncommon for them to not band roosters anymore. Or if it was a mistake/they were out of the BCM roos at the time I got mine. The ones in the black tub huddled around are all the BCM's and the Ameracaunas and one EE I believe. Surprisingly they are very similar but thankfully it looks like all the marans are feather footed as I have three that are.

I'll post some more once it's settled down a bit. But they are all doing well no splayed legs/crossbeak that I can tell and everyone seems to be up/active and no backwards walking.

When do people generally put in their roosts for the chickens to get used to after a week or so?

Thanks again!
I've never ordered from Meyers before, but on the roosts, it's best not to give them perches until they're 9 weeks old. (Especially if you show them.) Anything before that can mess with their chests. If you want to give something like flat block of wood, it'll probably be fine, but nothing they'll be balancing on.
I've never ordered from Meyers before, but on the roosts, it's best not to give them perches until they're 9 weeks old. (Especially if you show them.) Anything before that can mess with their chests. If you want to give something like flat block of wood, it'll probably be fine, but nothing they'll be balancing on.
Appreciate the advice. I couldn't remember when I added them in the past. They are already trying to perch up on the brooder plate lol.
I ordered some hen chicks, and some FPB to increase the numbers. One hen I ordered was a speckled sussex. They sent a hen in the FPB which was an extra SS.
I believe that im missing another golden cuckoo as well. So I think they must have either ran out or something possibly of a few of the little ones. We will see i'm not 100% sure what the pure white ones I have. I know my wheaten maran was a solid white one when I got him from cackle but i'm not super familiar w/ the white/yellow colored breeds.
Sadly lost the white/brown chick (not sure what breed it was) as it was just a filler for the order.

Believe it was coccidiosis and have started them on medicated feed just out of precaution. I tried to get her to drink/eat but she was already eyes rolled back and not wanting to care anymore. She did pass and have some blood come out so went ahead with the medicated feed. Have some Corvid too for the water but didn't want to double up on it as I know it can cause some issues with birds.

Hopefully none of the other babies end up getting sick from it.

Thankfully everyone else is hopping around and drinking/eating. (Temps for the brooder plate is hanging around 94 and the front is at 90 cause i have it lifted a bit for reference)
Had one of the Ameracauna's being weak lethargic now too. Grabbed some corid and mixed the water and syringe feeding her now some egg yolk too.

We had some people over last night and accidentally bumped the brooder plates switch off. So came up late last night to them all huddled in a corner screaming. I feel so bad and she had pasty butt as well. I'm going to just clean out the whole container in a few and probably just get rid of the litter and use paper towels till they are bit larger.
Got a bunch of pics to the ones that were out and about today. Everyone seems to be doing well today (crossing fingers). But here's some more pics as they grow. Tail/wing feathers are starting to show up on a few. I forget how amusing they are as babies with big personalities. Going to try and do weekly updates at a minimum. (enjoy the pic spam haha).


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