Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

My guesses:
Ancona? Yes

olive egger: Yes

Blue? This could be a number of chicks from the rare breed assortment. It could be an olive egger, blue andalusian, blue orpington, blue americauna, or blue maran. Can you see any sign of a comb? Fluffy cheeks?

Again, could be any of the blue breeds listed above. It doesn't look like it has fluffy cheeks. My guess would be an Andalusian

black copper marans? meal maker? Does it have faint feathering on the legs? It could also be an olive egger if it doesn't have feathered legs.

the other olive egger? possibly

white marans? or meal maker I would guess this is the meal maker and probably a white leghorn. Can you see a small single comb?

golden cuckoo marans??? olive egger?? That looks like a golden cuckoo maran.
Black Australorp (4)

Rhode Island Red (4)

Golden Buff (4)

Buff Orpington (3)

Delaware (3)

Barred Rock (3) or Dominique (2) I can't tell the difference between these, yet. I think the Dominique is supposed be more cream than white. But, I have yet to see two of them next to each other that look any different!

They love the Brinsea, btw. I got two 20's instead of a 50. So far, I think it was a good decision. More flexible set up!

The black one does not have feathered legs.. but not all marans from meyer have feathered legs...
The yellow one has the wrong colored legs for a leghorn.. maybe a white rock?
Picked up my chicks a few hours ago. All 23 appear well and are active!

I tried to take individual photos, I applaud all of you for the ones you have uploaded. Out of a hundred photos, I got a handful worth sharing. I will up load them in a while.
So cute!!!


olive egger:



black copper marans? meal maker?

the other olive egger?

white marans? or meal maker

golden cuckoo marans??? olive egger??
Such a great assortment!!
The black one does not have feathered legs.. but not all marans from meyer have feathered legs...
The yellow one has the wrong colored legs for a leghorn.. maybe a white rock?
True, but if it did have feathered legs then you definitely know. ;)
Leg color isn't always a reliable test since that can change. But a white rock is definitely possible. Do you see any sort of comb yet? When we got our white leghorn it had a noticeable comb from day one.
are the olive eggers not supposed to have feathered legs? out of the 3 I ordered 2 of them have feathered legs.

The olive eggers are marans crossed with Americuana or legbar per the description. Mine don't have feathered legs or puffy faces. I'm still trying to figure out which is which because I ordered 2 rare marans, 2 olive eggers and 7 asst rare.
The olive eggers are marans crossed with Americuana or legbar per the description. Mine don't have feathered legs or puffy faces. I'm still trying to figure out which is which because I ordered 2 rare marans, 2 olive eggers and 7 asst rare.
Guess it depends on if the maran parent had feathered legs or not. I think I remember reading that the feathered leg is dominant.
Here is a few more pics of them. Still not very good I seriously need a good camera.

Speckled Sussex (3)

Barred rock (5)

Golden buff (5)

Easter egger (5)

Olive egger (3)

Feathered feet on the olive egger

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