Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Sadly we lost Honey last night to a coon, she was apparently roosted up high when I brought everyone in from free range and didn't see her. I feels horrible, feathers all over the free range area and in some our buildings,but never found the carcass.



Sadly we lost Honey last night to a coon, she was apparently roosted up high when I brought everyone in from free range and didn't see her. I feels horrible, feathers all over the free range area and in some our buildings,but never found the carcass.
Oh no not Honey! I'm so sorry to hear that! She was a beauty! :(
She is the only bantam I have that is laying age right now. And this has been going on almost three weeks. I need to try to catch her in the act. My Cochins are the full size variety It could be the cotchin still but she does not sem to be laying yet. And the silkie does. I need a video camera in my coop!
Maybe the ole food coloring in the vent trick would do it??

I was on vacation for about 5 days a few weeks ago and I just got caught up with all the posts. A lot has happened! Congrats to all with new chicks and my condolences to all that lost some. From your posts, you have all taken the changes in stride!

I need a video camera in my coop, too! I have been trying to keep track of who is laying what and am finding it so difficult! I have 23 chickens and am averaging about 18-19 eggs a day but cannot figure out who is laying every day and if all have started. Some of the eggs are still pretty tiny but we are getting there! They range from 34 grams to 65. Three of the four Golden Buffs, which were the first to lay, are always the top 3 in size, all extra large, and all every day. The 2 EEs lay large green eggs 6-7 days a week. I can identify a few Australorp and Orpington eggs but the rest kind of blend together as they are all roughly the same color and size - small and light brown. Since I intend to get all different breeds next year and no duplicates from this flock, I guess it doesn't really matter. I just really would like to know which are turning out to be our best layers for much further in the future reference.
So glad you're back.... I was hoping you weren't gone .... it's so hard to catch up when you miss a few days. That is awesome you are getting so many eggs!!! And I'm glad you're EE's are giving you green eggs. My EE's are the best layers... I know I'll have them forever! My CW was pretty good too but just a medium sized egg. But almost every day. I had about 3-4 layers that I couldn't tell apart because they were all pretty much the same color and size.
Are you selling some eggs cause you are getting so many?

Such a crazy amazing morning/afternoon here. After I walked my son to the bus stop, I let this girls out for their supervised morning "free ranging". It was sprinkling lightly but the girls didn't mind. Our cat always watches from the screened in back porch and I heard him meowing, but he was facing the driveway, so I peered around and saw the stray white and grey cat that has been haunting ours and our neighbors' yards for around a year staring up at him. Its favorite spot this past winter was our old garden where the chicken run is now. S/he always runs away from me and did so when s/he caught sight of me. So after a little over an hour of free-ranging I went to grab the bag of treats to lead the girls back into the run. When I came back to the gate where they like to greet me, I heard a meow from the back up the yard and there sitting next to the coop is the stray, this cat has never meowed at me before. I froze for a second thinking of what to do. I ended up setting down the treats by the girls and went toward the cat to chase it off. It retreated a bit into the bushes but didn't run out of our yard like it normal does. Most of the girls followed me anyway then walked into the run by themselves, except Victoria who wandered behind the coop near me and the cat. I scooped her up and locked the girls in. Then went back to the cat, which to my surprise was still there meowing big eyed at me. So I called it over and it came and let me pet it. I was debating about taking it to the shelter. I had never called animal control on it because it always ran so fast I figured they wouldn't be able to catch it anyway. The cat let me pick it up but after a few steps it flattened its ears and I set it down and it bounded over our low fence. Trust lost, oh well.

Fast forward to lunch time, I'm in the kitchen looking out the window and notice Victoria and Baby are on the ramp to the coop, Morgaine and Clara are in the run but I don't see Amelia. I get excited suspecting she's checking out the nest boxes in the coop. The girls are 21 week and I have been waiting for Amelia's first egg for a month now (she's our Golden Buff), guessing everyone else would lay later. So I go out there and indeed she is in the coop and one of the nest's shaving have been kicked out. Then in comes Clara the Easter Egger and she climbs in the corner box, turns around a couple times and climbs out and goes to the other corner and back again, a couple of the other girls have wandered in to see what's up. I decide to give her her privacy and sit out in the run with the others. They all gather around me and Morgaine is scratching and pecking at my jeans while Clara keeps going in and out of the coop. Then Clara comes out and hops onto my lap and burrows herself between my crossed legs.

Okay... Clara is by far our most skittish girl, she doesn't like being petted or picked up, though yesterday she hopped on my back a few times when I was laying on the lawn. So I'm thinking oh my goodness is she going to lay her egg in my lap? What is up with today and animals trusting me all of a sudden? At the same time I hear the cat meowing in the bushes. And I'm thinking "what does it mean?" lol! So Clara keeps going back and forth between the coop and my lap. I hear the murmurings of the quietest little egg song in the coop, but each time she comes back to my lap and tries to bury herself its clear she hasn't done the deed. I'm covering her with my shirt to give her privacy as all the girls are gathered round and I'm having to fend Baby Buff off so she doesn't peck Clara because she's super jealous she's in my lap and is scolding her. Next time she goes in the coop, I go in and sit down in there and Clara comes to my lap again, I make the space between my legs wider and she starts kicking up sand which after awhile gets dusty. She nudges her head under one of my knees which I lift up for her and she stays like that for along time while I stroke her back but is soon getting frustrated again. This is when I decide that she's not just practicing and may be egg bound.

So I carry her inside and she is just so calm. I lay a towel in our bathroom sink and run some warm water to soak her bottom in so she can hopefully relax. She's now a fan, so I get the gloves and KY Jelly out for the second time in a week (Amelia was prolapsing on Friday). I wasn't really sure what I was feeling but it definitely felt different than Amelia. After getting some poop out I felt something hard and smooth. After a little bit she started straining and pushing so hard I though she was going to prolapse or have a heart attack. Then she stopped and I look down and there on the towel is the most perfect little bluish green egg! I congratulated her teary eyed with relief and let her soak in the sink again which she appreciated much more this time. After a blow dry and fluff I took her back out with her sisters. She didn't want to be carried this time and flapped up onto my head, then slid down to the back of my neck and road out like that. When we got into the run, she didn't want to get off and stayed on me for a few minutes then hopped into the coop to preen. So yeah, crazy! So glad she trusted me to be her midwife though. Here's hoping her next egg comes out a lot smoother! I'm tired of sticking my finger up chicken butts, lol.

First egg unwashed, looking more blue here

Clara soaking her poor vent but looking proud

Last shot on display. Once my husband comes home and sees it I will blow out the inside and scrambled it for Rowan to eat then clean and keep the shell.
What an amazing story!!! I wish you had a camera filming the whole thing. I hope the next egg goes a bit smoother!! Rowan is adorable!!!! He looks pretty pleased

Sadly we lost Honey last night to a coon, she was apparently roosted up high when I brought everyone in from free range and didn't see her. I feels horrible, feathers all over the free range area and in some our buildings,but never found the carcass.

Oh my gosh.... I'm so sorry.
Honey was just the cutest... maybe maybe there's a chance she got away??? Hugs to you.
Sadly we lost Honey last night to a coon, she was apparently roosted up high when I brought everyone in from free range and didn't see her. I feels horrible, feathers all over the free range area and in some our buildings,but never found the carcass.

Oh no! I'm so sorry! It's so hard losing them.

Maybe the ole food coloring in the vent trick would do it??

So glad you're back.... I was hoping you weren't gone .... it's so hard to catch up when you miss a few days. That is awesome you are getting so many eggs!!! And I'm glad you're EE's are giving you green eggs. My EE's are the best layers... I know I'll have them forever! My CW was pretty good too but just a medium sized egg. But almost every day. I had about 3-4 layers that I couldn't tell apart because they were all pretty much the same color and size.
Are you selling some eggs cause you are getting so many?

What an amazing story!!! I wish you had a camera filming the whole thing. I hope the next egg goes a bit smoother!! Rowan is adorable!!!! He looks pretty pleased

Oh my gosh.... I'm so sorry.
Honey was just the cutest... maybe maybe there's a chance she got away??? Hugs to you.

The food coloring trick is what I was thinking. I need to do it soon to see if our cochin is laying. Her and the PR lay very similar eggs sometimes.

I agree, I will always have an EE or two. I can't wait for our bantam EE to lay. She's 27 weeks already. Come on! I'm also looking forward to our youngest EE laying. :)
She is the only bantam I have that is laying age right now. And this has been going on almost three weeks. I need to try to catch her in the act. My Cochins are the full size variety It could be the cotchin still but she does not sem to be laying yet. And the silkie does. I need a video camera in my coop!

[COLOR=006400] I think I read in someone's post that you can put a little food coloring on the vent, which rubs off on the egg during laying and tells you which chicken is laying which egg. [/COLOR]
I was on vacation for about 5 days a few weeks ago and I just got caught up with all the posts. I need a video camera in my coop, too! ... I have been trying to keep track of who is laying what and am finding it so difficult! I have 23 chickens and am averaging about 18-19 eggs a day but cannot figure out who is laying every day and if all have started. Some of the eggs are still pretty tiny but we are getting there! They range from 34 grams to 65.

Welcome back, hopefully your vacation was good. That is a lot of eggs you are getting a day. What are all your breed? Also on trying to figure out the layers, couldn't you do the food dye on vent? I am sure you already know that as you have a lot more experience than Me. Also curious if you are selling your eggs? Lastly the size of your eggs was shocking to me, given my first two eggs from the unknown layer have been 3 grams, tiny.

Nap time...
so cute!

Such a crazy amazing morning/afternoon here.  Here is hoping her next egg comes out a lot smoother!  I'm tired of sticking my finger up chicken butts, lol.... Oh no not Honey!  I'm so sorry to hear that!  She was a beauty!  :(
Wow what an amazing story for both you and Clara. Glad you posted it as it will only help me learn more. Man I have a lot to learn still, between prolapses and egg bound, guess it will come with time. Thanks on Honey, she was a beauty, I hate to say this but why couldn't it have been a Delware or BR, not that I don't love them all. It is just Honey was unique in her coloring and feather pattern. I was hoping we could hatch some of her eggs down the road as she will be bred to a BO roo. I posted her on the EE and got a ton of compliments on her. I asked the loaded question on what coloring her off spring might be mating to a BO. Who knew chicken genetics was so complicated. I got a nice little education in genetics from RoosterLew, they know a ton!

Oh my gosh.... I'm so sorry.:hugs    Honey was just the cutest... maybe maybe there's a chance she got away???  Hugs to you. 
thanks for you hugs from afar.

@COChix Sorry to about Honey. That's definitely the tough part of chicken keeping. :hugs

thanks, yes I cried as she was our first casualty to a predator, we made sure to bait the coon traps last night, but all was quiet. We have a friend up the street that has chickens and is a biologist, I went up there yesterday to see if they have been having coon activity. He told me that the coons won't be back until the 3 day after the kill as they are full. We will see if that holds true.

The flock was definitely different yesterday, a lot of the girls stayed in the run, roosting up most the day, seems like they didn't want to free range. Also Isis the other EE in the picture with Honey, roosted in the small coop (aka - chicken hospital) with Left Eye at dusk. We decide to let them stay in that coop if that is where they prefer to be. Left Eye is doing better but she doesn't come down from the roosts in the run. I have been putting food and water on the 4 inch wide roosts for her and she is eating. For a couple days she hardly came of the big coop and lost a bunch if weight again.
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So glad you're back.... I was hoping you weren't gone .... it's so hard to catch up when you miss a few days.  That is awesome you are getting so many eggs!!!  And I'm glad you're EE's are giving you green eggs. My EE's are the best layers... I know I'll have them forever!  My CW was pretty good too but just a medium sized egg. But almost every day. I had about 3-4 layers that I couldn't tell apart because they were all pretty much the same color and size.
Are you selling some eggs cause you are getting so many?

Thanks for the welcome back! I have not sold any eggs, yet, just given lots away. I am going to make up some labels and give 1/2 dozens away to people near me whom I think would buy some once they get hooked! ;)

I was on vacation for about 5 days a few weeks ago and I just got caught up with all the posts. I need a video camera in my coop, too! ... I have been trying to keep track of who is laying what and am finding it so difficult! I have 23 chickens and am averaging about 18-19 eggs a day but cannot figure out who is laying every day and if all have started. Some of the eggs are still pretty tiny but we are getting there! They range from 34 grams to 65.

Welcome back, hopefully your vacation was good. That is a lot of eggs you are getting a day. What are all your breed? Also on trying to figure out the layers, couldn't you do the food dye on vent? I am sure you already know that as you have a lot more experience than Me. Also curious if you are selling your eggs? Lastly the size of your eggs was shocking to me, given my first two eggs from the unknown layer have been 3 grams, tiny.

Thanks. My vacation was great although way too short. All 3 of my kids were starting college on August 25th and I had to get home on the 22nd to get my youngest ready to move into her dorm. So, by the time my husband and I felt we could relax, it was time to pack up the house.. I am hoping we will be able to get away for a weekend in the next few months. We'll see . . .

I have 4 golden buff, 4 Rhode Island Red, 3 buff Orpington, 3 black Australorp, 3 Delaware, 2 barred rock, 2 Dominique, and 2 Easter Eggers. Definitely a good variety but, like everyone else here, I could always stand some more!

I assume that 3 grams was a misprint. I think that's the size of a peanut M&M. Lol The smallest egg that I have gotten was 33 grams and that is considered PeeWee. Most of my eggs range from small to large, another reason that I have t started selling them yet. I am hoping that the eggs will get bigger soon and be more uniform in size. At least they are pretty colors.

I am so sorry about Honey. She was beautiful and your avatar of her always makes me smile!

@autumnhearth amazing story about Clara. Her first egg looked to be a good size, hopefully, that has paved the way for the rest to come out smoothly!

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