Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Just one more sleep til chickies! Husband and I cleaned up and made some repairs to the brooder (the bottom needed to be replaced and a lip added behind the plexiglass). I broke out the Brinsea Ecoglow and have it warming up. Husband lost the roll of grippy shelf liner so I'm going to pick that up before driving down. The hemp bedding is on back order so going to try ground coconut bedding for reptiles. I just really dislike pine shavings and am not comfortable with sand in the house.
Just one more sleep til chickies! Husband and I cleaned up and made some repairs to the brooder (the bottom needed to be replaced and a lip added behind the plexiglass). I broke out the Brinsea Ecoglow and have it warming up. Husband lost the roll of grippy shelf liner so I'm going to pick that up before driving down. The hemp bedding is on back order so going to try ground coconut bedding for reptiles. I just really dislike pine shavings and am not comfortable with sand in the house.

Woohoo!!!!! I can't wait to see pics ;)
@autumnhearth I couldn't figure out how to reply to your comment on Olive's picture so I'll just reply and attach pics here! My girls did great over the winter, I don't use artificial heat and only had a few with large combs that got a teensy bit of frost bite on the very tips of their combs but it was just superficial, it scabbed and healed right up. Olive the speckled sussex didn't have a problem. Here's some recent pictures of her...

She really turned out to be a lovely hen. I love her shape (she's really proofed up due to the cold in the middle pic so don't judge that one lol). Her feathers are so shiny and the black in them highlights a gorgeous green. She's a little less speckled than I'd hoped but I've heard new speckles come in at their first adult molt :)
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We are home and settled after an hour drive to and from the hatchery. It is a warm sunny day, I didn't even need a coat.

In the car, the husband's Light Brahma chick, definitely the biggest and most active chick. Her two sisters kept nuzzling themselves under her.

From front to back: my Welsummer, my son's White Rock and the husband's Brahma- such a chubby looking face! I mean how stinking cute is she?

My Wellie walked right into my hand and snuggled down. Introducing Cornelia, possible nicknames Cora and Nellie!

Such tiny little toes, it's hard to believe how small they are, they grow so much in that first week. The girls are napping now, they explored first. Everyone's drinking and eating and no pasty butts so far.

Going to go out and give my big girls some pumpkin seed treats that I picked up from the hatchery store. Also bought a chicken diaper and some of those clear snap apart egg cartons.
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Oh, they're so cute! Thanks for posting the pictures! I can't wait to see what your Wellie and Brahma look like as they grow up, especially! Please do post more pics as they grow!! I think they're both such pretty breeds. If Meyer happens to have any Light Brahmas (or BLRWs or BCMs or Barnevelders or Ameraucanas or Blue or Lavender Orps or....) come available when I go to pick up my girls, I'll probably end up adding them to my order!
Oh, they're so cute! Thanks for posting the pictures! I can't wait to see what your Wellie and Brahma look like as they grow up, especially! Please do post more pics as they grow!! I think they're both such pretty breeds. If Meyer happens to have any Light Brahmas (or BLRWs or BCMs or Barnevelders or Ameraucanas or Blue or Lavender Orps or....) come available when I go to pick up my girls, I'll probably end up adding them to my order!
Will do of course! "or..." hehe! I wish I could have added other breeds but *someone* was limiting me. I did ask the cashier about MPC and Favacaunas just out of curiosity and she gave me this look like we can't admit we are at all affiliated with them.

I texted the husband a couple pics of his chick then when he called I asked if he got to look at them and he said "No, I don't need to, I'll see them when I get home, plus I'm kinda over the whole chicken thing" *gasp!* He could be joking... I asked why he got a Brahma then. He said because I "forced" him to pick a breed. I would have picked another one I wanted but his chick is adorable and if he doesn't fall in love with that fluffy face...

This group is extra pecky. I don't remember our first batch being so pecky with each other.

Oh and there are several folks on here with grown pics of their Welsummer and Brahmas, but I will update about weekly.
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Oh, they're so cute!  Thanks for posting the pictures!  I can't wait to see what your Wellie and Brahma look like as they grow up, especially!  Please do post more pics as they grow!!  I think they're both such pretty breeds.  If Meyer happens to have any Light Brahmas (or BLRWs or BCMs or Barnevelders or Ameraucanas or Blue or Lavender Orps or....) come available when I go to pick up my girls, I'll probably end up adding them to my order!  

Here are our two Meyer Wellies, their hatch date was 04/15/14.





Hi folks! I am a Meyer chicken owner now so I thought I would subscribe to this thread.

I have been trying to scan through here to find photos of examples of grown up Meyer Rhode Island Reds and also their BLRW, if anyone has the kind where the lacing is black. The homestead supply store in town here is getting those two breeds in this week, and I wanted to find out how they might be expected to turn out. I'm planning to pick the darkest BLRW they have, in hopes that it will have black lacing, or at least be a really dark shade of grey. And I figure I will pick the darkest RIR chick and hope she turns out a nice deep red.

They are also getting Olive Eggers!!! I may be tempted to add one or two of those. But I think it would be really hard to pick one and have any idea of how that will look as an adult. I would prefer to try to get one that is mixed with legbar and not "Ameraucana", but I don't really know what to look for to tell, except to try to see barring. I want to try not to end up with a solid black or solid blue bird. Splash would be OK, but I think that would mean Ameraucana in the mix. Would there be evidence of barring on a two day old chick?

Here are my two Blue Splash Marans chicks I picked up from there last week:

Peppermint and Aggie

Can anybody post photos of their grown up Meyer RIRs and BLRW? Or maybe just direct me to what page I might find some already posted?

Same thing for Olive Eggers from Meyer, as a chick and as an adult.

I'm very excited to go look at chicks tomorrow.

Thank you!

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