Mind if I smoke? šŸ„©šŸ–

I have a question for anyone that smokes chickens whole. Can mature birds that are beyond roasters be slow smoked on a rotisserie and then carved like turkey and be edible, not tough?
I smoke my 3 year old culls with this brine. They turn out very good.

Wow, that's a lot of salt. I'll have to try this brine, but I'll be cutting the salt down and adding a little more sugar.
Salt absorbs at a faster rate than sugar, so dropping it a little shouldn't matter. I don't use salt when eating, so lots of stuff will seem salty to me. I do love my black pepper though..
Wow, that's a lot of salt. I'll have to try this brine, but I'll be cutting the salt down and adding a little more sugar.
Salt absorbs at a faster rate than sugar, so dropping it a little shouldn't matter. I don't use salt when eating, so lots of stuff will seem salty to me. I do love my black pepper though..
Itā€™s per pound of chickens per hour. Not total weight, but say a 3 pound average stays in brine for about 3 hours. 5-6 chickens at 3 pounds average is same time.

I donā€™t use salt either and donā€™t find it too salty for my tastes. If anything you could reduce soak time to 45 minutes per pound. Then be sure to thoroughly rinse it.
Smoked wings, beer cheese and pretzel sticks

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