Miscellaneous Meeps - Hatching my Dreams

Well, I've avoided plugging in the incubator, but now I have two broody pullets. A silkie from my first hatch of the year, and a silkie x layer cross from my second hatch.

I have three breeding pens set up but haven't seen any fertilized eggs yet, in fact, two breeding pens are now on egg strikes, so just eggs from one pen but no luck there. The only eggs I have that are fertilized are from my bantam EE who flies out of her coop to hang with Chonkers. They can then leave the building and be free range chickens whenever they want during the day.
Why are you not hatching? Or promised not too? I'm actually really excited about my fall hatches. They grow faster, are hardier (imo) and it sets me up to have POL pullets/laying hens first thing in the spring which are my best sellers. Aside from having to make accommodations for growing them through the winter, I absolutely love fall hatching. They will all be in my newly remodeled (doing now) carport this winter. So I'm super excited about that.

By the WAY- I'm probably consider an "enabler" 🙃
Why are you not hatching? Or promised not too? I'm actually really excited about my fall hatches. They grow faster, are hardier (imo) and it sets me up to have POL pullets/laying hens first thing in the spring which are my best sellers. Aside from having to make accommodations for growing them through the winter, I absolutely love fall hatching. They will all be in my newly remodeled (doing now) carport this winter. So I'm super excited about that.

By the WAY- I'm probably consider an "enabler" 🙃
Best wishes with your fall hatch, hatching is so magical, super egg-citing! :jumpy Definitely keep us posted on it!!! 😊
Why are you not hatching? Or promised not too? I'm actually really excited about my fall hatches. They grow faster, are hardier (imo) and it sets me up to have POL pullets/laying hens first thing in the spring which are my best sellers. Aside from having to make accommodations for growing them through the winter, I absolutely love fall hatching. They will all be in my newly remodeled (doing now) carport this winter. So I'm super excited about that.

By the WAY- I'm probably consider an "enabler" 🙃
I like the early spring layers, but, not so much having chicks in the house all winter. I have a room in the basement set up for them now, but still, the dust gets to be a but much. Plus I'm out of room in the coops right now, so I'll need to thin out a few in the spring to make room for any I hatch then.

If I don't hatch next spring I would be able to hatch later in the year and set up a co-op to over-winter them from maybe 6 weeks old. But... holding back from hatching in the spring probably won't work 🤣 I do have to be cognizant of how many I hatch and keep in the spring so I don't over crowd my pens.

You are definitely an enabler! 🤣
I like the early spring layers, but, not so much having chicks in the house all winter. I have a room in the basement set up for them now, but still, the dust gets to be a but much. Plus I'm out of room in the coops right now, so I'll need to thin out a few in the spring to make room for any I hatch then.

If I don't hatch next spring I would be able to hatch later in the year and set up a co-op to over-winter them from maybe 6 weeks old. But... holding back from hatching in the spring probably won't work 🤣 I do have to be cognizant of how many I hatch and keep in the spring so I don't over crowd my pens.

You are definitely an enabler! 🤣
I like the early spring layers, but, not so much having chicks in the house all winter. I have a room in the basement set up for them now, but still, the dust gets to be a but much. Plus I'm out of room in the coops right now, so I'll need to thin out a few in the spring to make room for any I hatch then.

If I don't hatch next spring I would be able to hatch later in the year and set up a co-op to over-winter them from maybe 6 weeks old. But... holding back from hatching in the spring probably won't work 🤣 I do have to be cognizant of how many I hatch and keep in the spring so I don't over crowd my pens.

You are definitely an enabler! 🤣
Your definitely right about the dust. Once they hit that 2-3 wk mark is like they just explode with it. That is exactly why I'm moving everything to the carport I'm converting. Having things in the house has worked up until now but I've increased the amount of birds I'm Hatching (because I have little self control 🤣 no actually because I have plans for a work from home business out of necessity but that's another conversation). Now that their numbers have increased the dust is really getting to be way too much and they've got to move to their own area. If I didn't have that option I might be reconsidering it but then again because what im Doing is out of necessity I really have to continue hatching anyway. 🤷

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