Miss_Jayne's Handy Dandy Guide to Resizing Avatar Photos

O.K. I think it works now that I opened it in paint. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!
Oh Miss Jayne, still monitering this thread???? I need help too! I found a cool avatar on one of those free avatar sites that I want to use. However it doesn't show me how to download it it gives me linking codes, like HTML code, Direct link to avatar and Forum signature code, so you can basically just copy and paste. However I can't figure out how to do that here. It wants to wants to browse my computer for the image. Any ideas? Am I doing it wrong? HELP!!
I'm not MJ, but I can play her on the forum!

You'll need to save the image to your computer.

Right click on the image and do "Save Pictire As" (or equivalent in your browser) and save the image to a location you'll remember on your computer.

From there you simply follow MJ's magic instructions.


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