MJ's little flock

So did she get a bit? ;)
Of course. I'm a complete pushover.
That's the strange thing, I think she's only two. But who knows whether that nasty chicken breeder was telling the truth about her age. She was full sized but gawky when I brought her home.
That does not seem right. I agree. Are they known as good laying hens?
I've just had a very careful look at Mary while she was preening and it was clear some of her feathers haven't finished growing.

But then I remembered there's no causality between feathers and eggs. So she doesn't get laying sympathy after all.
Certainly the amount of daylight buys her a little bit of leeway, doesn't it?
There was a lot of fussing around the nest this morning and now I know why!


I had to use the egg basket! An extremely rare occurrence.


Not enough pockets you see.

Anyway, after all that effort the ladies were feeling rather hungry so they tucked into the breakfast leftovers with gusto.


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