MJ's little flock

Edie's home but I don't have any further information. The test results should come in tomorrow and then we'll know more.

At this time, it could be liver, it could be kidney, it could be primary, it could be secondary, it could be reproductive...

She continues on antibiotic and anti-inflammatory twice daily and has vitamin K added to the mix.
The vitamin k is like olive oil and Edie needs 0.67mls in a dose. Last night I found loading it onto her antibiotic tablet with the anti-inflammatory led to a faster than usual disintegration of the tablet and lower doses of everything.

This morning I put the vit k on a pinch of bread and the anti-inflammatory (0.23mls) on the antibiotic tablet. Edie had to eat two things under restraint but she got full doses.

I haven't heard from the vet yet but it's only 8am.

Poor Edie does look cold all plucked for surgery. I'm glad all of this is happening in summer. I'll put a mozzie coil in her roost tonight.
No, between them. But it seems remarkable that the four of them always leave two poops behind. For good measure? Is it a type of clock? One poop, two poops, that's 15 minutes up chumaroos, let's move it along to the next spot!
I believe it's around 3/4 pm in the afternoon there. Any word on her labs? I'd very much like to see the actual tests and values if you get them.

Hoping for an explanation that is fixable. :fl
The results aren't in yet. I don't usually learn the precise numbers because it's the recommendations that matter and those come from the vet who considers the bigger picture. But I will try to remember to ask for them.

But, yesterday's vet was Dr Jing and she was confident Edie would survive anything except cancer. Even if it turns out to be EYP, once Edie's blood is clotting, she can clean the infection up surgically and with antibiotics, then switch Edie on to Suprelorin to prevent recurrence. It's the first time I've heard someone say EYP is not a death sentence! I was very surprised.

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