My first broody hatch a long!


For nothing will be impossible with God-Luke 1:37
Premium Feather Member
Apr 2, 2021
Ive been waiting and waiting for months for a broody! And my 15 month old Buff Orpington finally went! Today marks the third day of her sitting! A friend has some silkie eggs and she said if i ever got one to go broody i could have some eggs! This was 3 or 4 months ago she said this. So when we set up a time for me to come get eggs, she got super happy!
Im hoping to give her the eggs on day 5. I do want to move her so that the other chickens cant bother her or the eggs/chicks but i dont wanna break her.
Here is a picture! Its not the best though.
Screenshot_20230806-092617_Wansview Cloud.jpg
Good luck!

Tip 1
Do mark the Silky eggs if they resemble on of your own hens. Take all new eggs out every day.

Tip 2
Add a layer of moisty sand under the bedding for a solid shaped spot and add DE or something else to prevent red mite coming in and multiply.
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Ive been waiting and waiting for months for a broody! And my 15 month old Buff Orpington finally went! Today marks the third day of her sitting! A friend has some silkie eggs and she said if i ever got one to go broody i could have some eggs! This was 3 or 4 months ago she said this. So when we set up a time for me to come get eggs, she got super happy!
Im hoping to give her the eggs on day 5. I do want to move her so that the other chickens cant bother her or the eggs/chicks but i dont wanna break her.
Here is a picture! Its not the best though.View attachment 3601087
I have just left my girls in the nest box. if the others do bother her do you have something you can put around that nest (a play yard or make a "box" with wood and HWC so that she can come out and stretch and put food and water there but that others can't get in the nest box with her? Mine will let others in the box to lay but that is about it other than that they will peck at them. Glad you finally got your broody! Funny I was all excited for the last week or two that I finally had NO broodies only to have one go broody again a couple days ago. LOL

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