Necrotic tissue on leg

Might take her some practice....tendons are probably tight, so some PT on your part to increase range of motion might help.
I've been trying a little bit of chicken physio! She can get about pretty quickly when she wants! I'm not convinced she will regain full movement but if she can regain enough to have her foot flat on the ground I'm sure she will alot happier.
Just a quick update on speckle. The splint seems to have been more effective on her outside toe than the middle one. It is still curled up. She is still not walking on that leg but she can balance on it. I have also found a vet that is not too far away that can see chickens so I have booked her in on Wednesday. Hopefully they can give a definative answer as to wether there is a chance of her healing fully. But otherwise she is in really good health, she is laying about every other day, she enjoys being out but she is still in my living room!
I'll post what the vet says. I'm hoping it will be positive for her.
Just a quick update on speckle. The splint seems to have been more effective on her outside toe than the middle one. It is still curled up. She is still not walking on that leg but she can balance on it. I have also found a vet that is not too far away that can see chickens so I have booked her in on Wednesday. Hopefully they can give a definative answer as to wether there is a chance of her healing fully. But otherwise she is in really good health, she is laying about every other day, she enjoys being out but she is still in my living room!
I'll post what the vet says. I'm hoping it will be positive for her.
Thanks for the update!
Look forward to hearing about what you find out:)
You know @CCUK I was following this thread, but I just read back from the beginning to refresh my memory. It is amazing how you have brought on this little one!! Those first photos of her feet - poor, poor girl. But where you have gotten her to - Well Done is all I can say but it's amazing!!

I hope the vet can help bring her on some more!
You know @CCUK I was following this thread, but I just read back from the beginning to refresh my memory. It is amazing how you have brought on this little one!! Those first photos of her feet - poor, poor girl. But where you have gotten her to - Well Done is all I can say but it's amazing!!

I hope the vet can help bring her on some more!
Thankyou. I seriously thought she was going to lose her leg or her foot at the very least. The smell at first was quite something! I keep thinking that maybe she had a foot problem before and that led to the mud all getting stuck to her. I wish I took a photo before I removed it, it was huge. I'm happy that I found a vet now though, it was quite by chance. I went to a different branch of my usual feed store and there was a vet opposite so I went in and much too my luck they have a poultry specialist! :yesss: So I'm hoping for good news but either way she will be fine. Here she was last night scrounging my dinner!

It like having a puppy running round the house!
Aw :love
It must be really hard for the human when their house chicken is ready to go back out to her flock! Selfish thought I know, but I think I would really miss her!
Just to be clear... I am in no way suggesting anyone not let their healed chickens back out to their flock, but it must be bitter sweet all the same.
Yeah, I'll miss her but I know she wants to go back out. She always stays by the fence near the rest of the girls. But that will be my next problem, integration! She's half the size of my next smallest hen and some of my hens can be a little bit mean when they want to. I'm thinking about getting her a friend before she goes out, that may take the pressure off a bit.
Yeah, I'll miss her but I know she wants to go back out. She always stays by the fence near the rest of the girls. But that will be my next problem, integration! She's half the size of my next smallest hen and some of my hens can be a little bit mean when they want to. I'm thinking about getting her a friend before she goes out, that may take the pressure off a bit.
Yeah that sounds like a good idea!
Mine are all rescues, and they are vicious!! NO integration goes smoothly here, no matter what I have tried. Blood is always drawn! I now have four different coops and four separate runs :rolleyes: At least if there are two - they have each other when/if the others are being nasty.
Yeah that sounds like a good idea!
Mine are all rescues, and they are vicious!! NO integration goes smoothly here, no matter what I have tried. Blood is always drawn! I now have four different coops and four separate runs :rolleyes: At least if there are two - they have each other when/if the others are being nasty.
I have 5 ex batts. I did have 6 but sadly I lost one last year. But yes, they can be difficult to integrate. It took me the best part of 6 months to get mine all together. I could have probably done it quicker but I enjoyed the relative peace! They are the sweetest hens ever and are forever following me around but can be pretty evil when they want too! The one that I lost had been poorly on and off for a while but she always seemed to get it together enough to do a sneak attack on some of my other younger girls!
I have 5 ex batts. I did have 6 but sadly I lost one last year. But yes, they can be difficult to integrate. It took me the best part of 6 months to get mine all together. I could have probably done it quicker but I enjoyed the relative peace! They are the sweetest hens ever and are forever following me around but can be pretty evil when they want too! The one that I lost had been poorly on and off for a while but she always seemed to get it together enough to do a sneak attack on some of my other younger girls!
:) Yes, they are certainly the sweetest little things. I often think their viciousness towards each other upon integration is due to that extra will to survive. They finally have a good home and Do Not Dare try change that on them :D Can't blame them.

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