New chicks are here!


Jul 8, 2022
South Buffalo Twp, PA
Mail ordered 10, got 11 (from Mt. Healthy Hatcheries). And they came today in great shape. 2 Americana, 2 Rhode Island Blue, 2 Olive Egger, 2 Gold Laced Wyandotte, 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte, 1 Barred Rock. Haven't figured out what the spare 11th chick they sent is yet but likely one of the above. The olive eggers both have feathering on their legs so I'm assuming there's maran in the cross which is cool.
My current RIR hens are slowing down on egg production just a little (they're about 2 1/2 years old now so that's not surprising). I, of course, need more chickens so we don't run out of eggs. That's my excuse for why I gave in to chicken math and am the better part of the way finished with a whole new coop and run for these wonderful new fluffy bundles of cuteness that arrived today. :D
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3 weeks! So far the barred rock and one of the gold laced wyandottes seem to be the top contenders for being in charge. None of them are being bullies though, they all seem to get along quite well. Always amazes me how fast they grow. Soon I'll have to move them to a brooder room in the basement (unused bathroom) since they are fast outgrowing the kiddie pool brooder.

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