NY chicken lover!!!!

saw this on Facebook about Tyson Foods & their chicken processing ..
This makes me sad! Inhumane treatment for sure.
Rancher yes I have a sawzall. I do have to loan it out to my brother in laws but same as the grinder 'don't have any blades' got sick of buying a new blade everytime I wanted to use them.
To bad you live so far away, I'd even loan you a blade. Works great for quartering deer.
What did you end up doing with that tree wanting to come down on your coop?

Thanks for the advice on the Sawzall.

I bought a chainsaw and while my SIL climbed a ladder to cut it by hand he ended up using the chainsaw. He cut while I pulled it over so it didn't land on the coop. It just missed it.
Then I cut it up.
I bet all chicken facilities are about the same. Why I've decided to only have dual purpose chickens. Hopefully after this coming summer we will never have to by chicken in the store ever again.
Even the place with the happy singing chickens has had some bad publicity. Did you see the one with Bob Barker?

Hum,don't remember that video ever being restricted???
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@HISIRISHGEM I've been a strict vegetarian since I was a teenager, haven't knowingly had meat for 20-something years! I did give up eggs for a few years, but now I don't stay away from eggs or dairy (the cheese, can't give up the cheese!!)
I do love healthy eating, but am a sucker for salty snacks, especially. Plus, I'm a stress eater... It's so hard to stay focused and be consistent with food. The bad stuff far outweighs the good in a modern grocery store.
Giving mushroom growing on logs a try in the spring. Looks easy and can be done on small firewood size blocks. 100 dowel spawn kits are around $15. Going to try shiitake, maitake and chicken of the woods. Chicken of the woods can be used as a substitute for chicken in a vegetarian diet, they say it tastes like chicken.
Both maitake ( also called hen of the woods or sheeps head in the US) and chicken of the woods both grow and can be foraged wild here in NY and can grow up to a hundred pounds. The health benefits of maitake is just unbelievable great.
saw this on Facebook about Tyson Foods & their chicken processing ..

This video makes me cry, but it reminds me why I raise birds to process. Funny, the other day I was talking to a coworker about chicken & turkey and she was saying how she could eat turkey every day. She said, "you raise & process your own, don't you? Oh I could never do that, I couldn't handle that". I tried to explain the difference in conditions that my birds are raised in and then humanely processed vs commercial practices. Still she shook her head and said she didn't want to think about it. I've known her for a while & know she's a kind, compassionate person. But for some reason, the norm is to look the other way when it comes to what happens in that video above. Seems as long as we don't have to see it happen, it's ok to put tortured meat on our tables. I decided a while ago that I'd either be a vegitarian or I'd know where my meat is coming from and that it was treated right. We are so lucky to live in a state where there are quite a few farmers out there raising their animals with respect and dignity.
Jumping into the discussion with a question/worry. Also posted in another thread...
My babies are a month old now, I'm so attached. But they are all over my office, getting out of the brooder. I don't blame them, it's too crowded. I am not worried about having to clean the heck out of my office, linoleum floor and all, but they aren't happy. I want to put them outside ASAP. The coop is pretty much finished, I just need to finish the strip to close up the doorway and we decided to put insulation on the ceiling and north wall. I'm freaking out that they will be too cold. The coop is huge compared to them right now 12x10 with 7x7 open floor (no roost or anything). The ceilings are peaked at about 7 to 8ft? I guess my question is, can they go out there?
who said, "If slaughter houses had windows everyone would be a vegetarian"?

I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals, but because I hate plants. (not really but I could see myself becoming one)

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