NY chicken lover!!!!

Irischick--de is fine in the sandbox. So is woodash.

So the final weighin was 7 and3/4 pounds of meat in 7 quart jars. Not bad for almost 16 week old roosters. I didnt do in the last two roos and am glad as I ran out of room! They all look good and sealed good. Cant wait to taste the product. Its much calmer out there now that these 5 are gone. The younger boys are now busy sorting things out amongst themselves and Clyde, my hereitage rir roo, is stepping up into the head roo position. He and the older pullets will be moved into the terrorist coop tonight. I will have to monitor the drama tomorrow. Those hens will be culled out when the pullets start laying regularly. I know there are a few nonlayers in that coop. Someone is supposed to come and look at Little Man and his girls tonight. We shall see what happens. I really dont want to see them go but have to part with them to make room for their children. Changing around my silkie coops after my trip to georgia.

Time to go feed and water everyone.Back later
Its been so very busy around here. Dh started classes at NTTS on Monday, in 5 short weeks he will have his CDL. As always chicks are hatching, hens are laying and roosters are crowing! I'm glad to hear everyone is safe after the storms. Not much happened here. TTFN!
My DH went to NTTS 7 years ago!!!
Worth every penny. He got hired right out of school. If you have any questions that I may be able to answer let me know!!
My thoughts are with the families and friends who suffered a loss in the storm. Hoping to see updated post from Horsekeeper and Rancher, we got the winds and rains some flooding around us other half had eventful drive home with detours.

Thank you, to all of you who answered my canning questions I've got about six fyer rabbits that'll be ready in Sept. by then I should have pressure cooker. I can't kill them, but skinning and cleaning doesn't bother me. Bell Blue Book also has site on line.

Pharm. good job on the keeping the plants alive-) It's now time test your skill with rosemary.
Morning all. My yard is quiet this morning. Little Man and his girls went to their new home last night and I am missing his crow this morning as well as his greeting. We put clyde and most of the older pullets in the terrorists coop last night. Everyone is still alive and the terrorists havent been their usual mean selves, probably because 5 got moved over. I see I missed one pullet last night. She will go in tonight. Still have two more roos to process. The little monster boys are now doing some seroius sparring. Only the mutt reds though, not the heritage. I do believe their mothers passed on their aggressive traits to their sons as their father was not that way. It wont matter in the long run as they will be going to canning camp in a few weeks anyways. My older pullets are getting real red in the face so hopefully they will start laying soon.

Today is coop cleaning day. Have to get Little Mans coop cleaned out, disinfected and permethryined so I can move his children in. Still on the fence about how many are roos. I know Junior sired one of the chicks as it is a light blue splash. I think its a hen and hoping it is as the light blue coloring coming in is what I am striving for. Im pretty sure the largest chick is a boy and he is looking really nice and has his fathers personality. Have to clean out the two larger coops today as well to freshen them up. Both look like somebody popped the chicken with all the feathers from molting laying around.

I have been using the poultry cell in the water of all the coops for a few days now and there is definately a difference in the way they look and act. The terrorists feathers are much shinier and coming in much better and I havent seen feather picking going on. My silkies have also been feathering out much faster during their molt and the chicks and new chicks are bright eyed and very healthy. This stuff is just vitamins with selenium and minerals in it but I think its giving them the boost they needed.

Tab--I wish you luck in finding a new job that meets your needs. I hope you find one.
Lynzi--congrats on your husband getting a job. You might be in another state but you will always be one of us! Its great that Chris is going to look after your cheeps for you until you can move them.

Stuffed--Im not going to push my luck. I will be happy if they grow and provide me with some vegetables because that will be a first for me!

Have a good day all.
Morning all. My yard is quiet this morning. Little Man and his girls went to their new home last night and I am missing his crow this morning as well as his greeting. We put clyde and most of the older pullets in the terrorists coop last night. Everyone is still alive and the terrorists havent been their usual mean selves, probably because 5 got moved over. I see I missed one pullet last night. She will go in tonight. Still have two more roos to process. The little monster boys are now doing some seroius sparring. Only the mutt reds though, not the heritage. I do believe their mothers passed on their aggressive traits to their sons as their father was not that way. It wont matter in the long run as they will be going to canning camp in a few weeks anyways. My older pullets are getting real red in the face so hopefully they will start laying soon.

Today is coop cleaning day. Have to get Little Mans coop cleaned out, disinfected and permethryined so I can move his children in. Still on the fence about how many are roos. I know Junior sired one of the chicks as it is a light blue splash. I think its a hen and hoping it is as the light blue coloring coming in is what I am striving for. Im pretty sure the largest chick is a boy and he is looking really nice and has his fathers personality. Have to clean out the two larger coops today as well to freshen them up. Both look like somebody popped the chicken with all the feathers from molting laying around.

I have been using the poultry cell in the water of all the coops for a few days now and there is definately a difference in the way they look and act. The terrorists feathers are much shinier and coming in much better and I havent seen feather picking going on. My silkies have also been feathering out much faster during their molt and the chicks and new chicks are bright eyed and very healthy. This stuff is just vitamins with selenium and minerals in it but I think its giving them the boost they needed.

Tab--I wish you luck in finding a new job that meets your needs. I hope you find one.
Lynzi--congrats on your husband getting a job. You might be in another state but you will always be one of us! Its great that Chris is going to look after your cheeps for you until you can move them.

Stuffed--Im not going to push my luck. I will be happy if they grow and provide me with some vegetables because that will be a first for me!

Have a good day all.
Pharm-I am going to get some poultry cell today. All my peeps need a boost with this heat and humidity! Have fun with your coop cleaning, How is the knee?
Quote: I've used red cell for years, I buy the generic kind at tsc. $5 cheaper per gallon. Adds up. The only thing I don't like about it is its molasses based so it's sweet. Chickens are more acidic, so I use vinegar in the water to neutralize it somewhat. Don't know if it helps, but makes me feel better!
Good Morning Friends! Here is a picture of my 7 chicks hatched out of the deadliest hatch. There is one little lavender from the Hink JC eggs and 2 olive eggers (light yellow and black) and 4 EE from my egg basket. I was surprised by the light yellow. I was sure that my buff orpingtons had nothing to do with Butch. But that is not the case. The black OE might be a boy he is feathering slowly and is from either my black australorps or barred rocks. Still not well versed in all the genetics.
I sure hope rancher is OK I am missing his posts and praying for him.Does anyone have a mobile phone number for him that we could check on him?
This weekend DH and some friends are finishing the new coop and run.This will house my new Lavender flock (thank you Marquisella). Sure hope the weather stays nice.
Off to work- Lots of small O2 tanks to deliver today!-
all my patients have been having trouble breathing in this weather. I am glad it seems to have gotten better with with the last storm!
Morning all,
4 more Silkie/Sizzle eggs went into lockdown last night. I candled before they went in and all the air cells are poked thru or in a different shape than just the "circle" they were so I'm wondering (and hoping) if they will hatch by tomorrow. We leave on Sunday to bring the kids on a little mini-vaca since we really won't get to do anything big this summer/fall. There's one more egg that needs to go into lockdown on Monday and I'll just have my friend move that one. We'll be back Wednesday. So far it's looking like the first chick that hatched is a smooth sizzle (splash)!!! Fingers crossed it's a hen for my frizzled Sizzle roo!!

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