Pasty Butts

Dec 17, 2023
I'm having a lot of issues with pasty butts this week. The chicks arrived Wednesday; they were all obviously stressed when they got here. They were given grogel(green stuff hatchery sent) basically as soon as I unboxed them. Is there anything I can do/give them to help with it? Back in the day I'd give electrolytes but want to see if anyone has better ideas. I've been keeping them cleaned off, but it just is a continuous issue it seems. Temp is right, they have unmedicated crumble, fresh water 24/7.....stumped:confused:
I'm having a lot of issues with pasty butts this week. The chicks arrived Wednesday; they were all obviously stressed when they got here. They were given grogel(green stuff hatchery sent) basically as soon as I unboxed them. Is there anything I can do/give them to help with it? Back in the day I'd give electrolytes but want to see if anyone has better ideas. I've been keeping them cleaned off, but it just is a continuous issue it seems. Temp is right, they have unmedicated crumble, fresh water 24/7.....stumped:confused:
Do they have plenty of space and clean bedding.

Yeah just keep it clean , sounds like you're doing the right thing.
Temp is currently 93 degrees, sometimes they are directly under it and others they seem fine. They have plenty of space as they have a "hot side" and a "cool" side they can go to and from. They spend about equal amounts of the day going back and forth, otherwise seem comfortable.
I gave mine probiotics when that happened with an entire hatch for about a week. No idea, but then I went to bottled water rather than well water for their first two weeks or so from then on.

The probiotics I put in their water is Hydro-Hen, which is what my breeder said she gives to all of her chickens and chicks twice a week. I'm not that good about it lol.
It might be the feed. I had a lot of pasty butts until I switched to just using my own mix. I really you might not want to do this. Perhaps buy a bag of a different brand and see if that works.
I was going to use a mix from my local feed mill, but they were closed due to weather the day I bought it so once they are done with this small bag I'll swap.
I gave mine probiotics when that happened with an entire hatch for about a week. No idea, but then I went to bottled water rather than well water for their first two weeks or so from then on.

The probiotics I put in their water is Hydro-Hen, which is what my breeder said she gives to all of her chickens and chicks twice a week. I'm not that good about it lol.
I ended up going and getting some probiotic packets to see if that makes any difference.

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