Thanks Chickadee28 and seafood for the hatchery notes. I went and checked out all three, My Pet Chicken, Meyers Hatchery, and Privett Hatchery, and they only sell Buff Orpingtons.
I'm lucky as my local feedstore got their chicks in last week (but the only color Orpington was Buff too).
Sorta feels like I'm playing one of those games where you "gotta collect all the various pieces" to win. Someday I'll get all the Oprington colors.
and have fun along the way.
Chickadee28 thanks for posting!
I'm lucky as my local feedstore got their chicks in last week (but the only color Orpington was Buff too).
Sorta feels like I'm playing one of those games where you "gotta collect all the various pieces" to win. Someday I'll get all the Oprington colors.
Chickadee28 thanks for posting!