R.I.P Agnes. What killed her?

That makes a lot of sense because a hawk probably wouldn't be strong enough to carry her somewhere. We only have small-ish hawks here like redtails and coopers hawks and such so they wouldn't likely wouldn't be able to carry a 5 lb+ chicken, right? We have heard foxes here before, mostly at night so that makes sense..There was a few feathers into the woods a bit farther from the crime scene. No, it has not been back knock on wood:fl
Chickens are a meat locker, chances are high the offender will be back at some point, free range them when youre outside and can supervise if possible. A cooper hawk nailed a silkie we had once...sad...string of feathers in a line most likely is indicating a fox, might even be able to follow back to the den potentially.
Chickens are a meat locker, chances are high the offender will be back at some point, free range them when youre outside and can supervise if possible. A cooper hawk nailed a silkie we had once...sad...string of feathers in a line most likely is indicating a fox, might even be able to follow back to the den potentially.
I will make a scarecrow and other things to try to keep it away. You're right and I probably could have followed the feathers to the den maybe but it's been many months and the feathers are likely blown away now. :hmmSo sorry about your silkie 😞
I will make a scarecrow and other things to try to keep it away. You're right and I probably could have followed the feathers to the den maybe but it's been many months and the feathers are likely blown away now. :hmmSo sorry about your silkie 😞
thank you, sorry for yours as well! All we can do is try our best to mitigate this stuff. Fox are VERY clever and opportunists, the more presence you have when you are free ranging the better!
thank you, sorry for yours as well! All we can do is try our best to mitigate this stuff. Fox are VERY clever and opportunists, the more presence you have when you are free ranging the better!
Thank you so much.:hugs I still miss her a lot and the way she used to waddle up to me when I would go outside😢 That's a good idea. When we start free-ranging them again after bird flu has calmed down, we'll supervise them as much as we can even though it probably won't be possible to do all the time.
Thank you so much.:hugs I still miss her a lot and the way she used to waddle up to me when I would go outside😢 That's a good idea. When we start free-ranging them again after bird flu has calmed down, we'll supervise them as much as we can even though it probably won't be possible to do all the time.
Not to be crude, but human urine is a big deterrent to drive off predators.

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