I love him! He is awesome. :love
We got him at Petco and he wasn't in the best shape. Half of his tail was torn off and he was the biggest in the tank. His tail bends at the bottom. He's getting a tank upgrade probably tomorrow or this weekend. My parents gave me back my fish tank and I'm using it for him because he's growing so fast.
We got him at Petco and he wasn't in the best shape. Half of his tail was torn off and he was the biggest in the tank. His tail bends at the bottom. He's getting a tank upgrade probably tomorrow or this weekend. My parents gave me back my fish tank and I'm using it for him because he's growing so fast.

Awwww that’s awesome you’re helping him! Glad he seems to be doing better and I hope he loves his new tank! :love
Hi, reptile freak here.
I have one reptile at the moment, my central bearded dragon. His name is Sam, he's almost six, and he is the most attention-seeking reptile ever!

I am wanting to get a snake soon, some sort of python, not sure which one yet. I also eventually want to get a goanna and a frill neck.

I have a colony of banded sugar ants and a stick insect.
Hi, reptile freak here.
I have one reptile at the moment, my central bearded dragon. His name is Sam, he's almost six, and he is the most attention-seeking reptile ever!
View attachment 1959372

I am wanting to get a snake soon, some sort of python, not sure which one yet. I also eventually want to get a goanna and a frill neck.

I have a colony of banded sugar ants and a stick insect.

Hi! Glad you found the reptile thread!! I was gonna suggest it to you haha

Sam is so cute :love

That would be awesome if you got a frill neck!! They’re awesome.

And pythons are cool! I want a corn snake eventually.

I also want a beardie, leo, or crestie or all 3 haha .

But reptiles are kind of on hold for now because I’ve got too much going on. I got 4 new fish this week and I’ve got hatching eggs in the incubator that I still need to build a coop for haha

Plus I want to add quail next year.

And my family also hates reptiles :hit

But one day I’ll get some haha

I didn’t even realize you could have those insects as pets. That’s really cool!!
I saw this, and I was like *click* when I saw reptile! Don’t even get me started on reptiles. My parents hates them, but... we have 2 houses! And, he lets me keep them. I keep, and kill brown anoles, Cuban tree frogs, and most invasive animals.


I do keep the tegus I catch, I have caught 2, and kept one. I gave the other one to a lady who already has one, that acts, and roams around her house like a dog. The other I gave her is a female adult golden tegu I trapped.... anyway... my tegu has a cage (if I remembered right) 6 ft by 8 ft.

I have a black racer, Apollo Mamba is his two names (it keeps changing) which is now three feet.

I catch, raise, and release green anoles, since they are native to Florida. Here is a male I just released:

And, last, but not least, my two wild caught (invasive) red headed agamas. One is 2 inches (not sure on gender, first 3 pics) which I don’t have a name for, if y’all can help me with names. And, I have a female, who is a few inches long, named ivory (last picture)



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