Ooh I love sliders! Their skin patterns are beautiful!
They are and they adapt to almost anything. They are a pretty tough breed to knock out. I once went away for a week and had someone sit for me and they forgot all about the turtles and just fed the cat and when I came back they were in their shells and practically no water in the tank. I was sure they were dead but when I took them out of the tank to burry them the one was moving it's leg a little and I was thinking "holy crap it's still alive" and same with the other one. Now they are thriving again but I was honestly amazed
@Tre3hugger I'd love to get a snake but my folks HATE them
My mom was the same way. I got a couple as soon as I moved out at 18, but my life wasn't stable and I had to get rid of them. Now at 32, I have my own home and I finally felt ready to get a snake again. The life expectancy of boas is about 30 years! I hope Lilith and I are together for our lifetimes.
Hope everyone’s reptiles are doing great! My leo seems excited for spring. He is getting more and more active and HUNGRY. Fun change from winter sleepiness. My beardie is slowly working through a shed. She got a long soak in the sink today and a little gentle help with her nostrils and mouth. And our shipment of feeders actually arrived on time this time, so :woot horn wormies all around.
Hope everyone’s reptiles are doing great! My leo seems excited for spring. He is getting more and more active and HUNGRY. Fun change from winter sleepiness. My beardie is slowly working through a shed. She got a long soak in the sink today and a little gentle help with her nostrils and mouth. And our shipment of feeders actually arrived on time this time, so :woot horn wormies all around.
Always exciting when they are more active! I took Lilith out for her second handling session today. She was pretty chill. Held her for about ten mins. I am so smitten. Upon closer look she is very iridescent and catches the rainbow in the sunlight. The salmon colors show from her head all the way to her tail.🥰

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