Oh! Here he is :D
Does anyone use this moss for humidity? If so, where do you put it? I currently have it in his hide on the warm side. View attachment 2398175
Most leopard geckos benefit from having three hides; a warm hide, a cool hide, and a humid hide. I use wet moss in Hoshi’s humid hide, which is towards the warm end of his tank. A humid hide must have a solid bottom. You can either buy one (I have this one Terra&utm_term=&gclid=CjwKCAiAnIT9BRAmEiwANaoE1YOsHPmiwX4ER5m1j60af-AZyeLCiW3Bs38zCK6JdQXYSH_-DSa44xoCzwkQAvD_BwE )
or I think you can make one from a household object like a Tupperware container, a mason jar, a flowerpot etc.

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