So what is the easiest reptile to take care of?
Snakes are the easiest type imo. They eat once a week when young and only twice a month when older, a frozen/thawed rodent. They poop like once or twice a month max. Their substrate needs a full change only like twice a year. And they don't care if you never handle them, but will happily tolerate when you do decide to hold them most the time. Some slower/smaller snakes, like rosy boas, are incredibly handleable and when they rarely do bite they may not even break the skin.

Conversely, lizards need to eat every day/every other day. Typically an omnivorous diet of insects and greens. They often require UV bulbs as well as heat. Poop very regularly. More delicate bodies.

Then you get into turtles/amphibians which typically require a wet/dry enclosure etc.

Snake is hands down the easiest reptile/animal I have ever kept.

More specifically for you in Michigan, Northeastern colubrids would be very easy to keep. These include species like rat snakes, milk snakes, corn snakes. Being native to the Northeast, the husbandry requirements for these species would be easy to meet, such as relative humidity. Or replicating what you see out your window and using stuff from your yard to create a naturalistic habitat. :)
Painfully accurate :oops:

I want to make tiny hats for snakes, lizards, and other reptiles (as well as for chickens), but I'm not sure how big to make them.
Could anyone help me decide on some sizes for different reptiles?

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