*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

My husband showed our 1 duck how to go up the ramp, the other one figured it out "after" he saw the goldfish ( I put in there) & realized he wasn't getting any. He learned pretty quickly. Haha

These are our boys, Howard & Gary.
Our ramp wasn't as steep as yours looks to be. What about digging your "pool" into the ground a bit. That way it won't be so high up either. My husband dug a hole & put our pond into the ground. Before he had it propped up, he wanted to see if they might go in.

This was before he put it into the ground.

This is after. Now they ( Howard, Mabel & Gladys ) just walk in. Gladys seems to be extremely "noisy" from around 5:00ish til bout 6:30ish. Anybody else have ducks or a duck that does this ?
Thanks all .......
What's a good drake to hen ratio for runners? It's looking like two of our seven (both of the black ones) are drakes
Two drakes to five ducks should be ok - it depends on the drakes. I would think it is more likely to be a success since they were raised together. My male Runner is very *active* and I have 6 females for him and his less active Khaki Campbell buddy. Can you post a picture? We just love pictures :)
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I don't have any pictures since the tail curls popped up this week, but here's some video from their second-ever foraging trip out of the pen. If you've got the time, I've kept a whole Playlist of short videos taken over the course of their ducklinghood :)
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Hi all :thumbsup I have a question please my male Indian runner duck whom is around 3 - 5 months old is starting to molten but so far has never had a curly tail he is definitely Male no question there just wondered if he will get one his almost looks a bit stumpy compared to the girls what u think ?:duc

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