runner duck - cough or hiccups? aspergillosis?

praise the Lord my doctor just prescribed terbinafine for me and i know it is also used for ducks as i have seen posts with pictures by @New duck mommy 2021 with terbinafine rx for a duck!
i’m going to the pharmacy to pick it up this afternoon when hubby brings the car back, i’ll need to figure out a duck dosage.. poppy weighs 3.5 lbs and has tested positive for aspergillosis. have been giving her nebulizer treatments with oxine AH for months now, and recently also giving her manuka honey.
ok i got the terbinafine and the pills are 250 mg each, i can use a razor blade to cut it down into a powder and divide into little piles. i also found this

idk if i should give it by nebulizer ? i could chop up 1/10 pill (25 mg) and mix in 25 ml water? then give some of that solution by nebulizer 20 minutes once a day? or twice a day?
i would venture to guess it would be twice a day—?

is that not what PO q12-24h means? (every 12 hours?)
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now I found this one and it says the dosage is higher because maybe it’s not the hydrochloride form? My prescription does not say hydrochloride so I think I should go with this dosage.
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I would tag @casportpony I trust her knowledge on doses and what this stuff means
thanks. i think i’m going with this dosage after i did lots of math -
1/4 pill crushed mixed with 3 ml water and give 1.5 ml orally every 12 hours.
and i’ll continue the Oxine by nebulizer as well, plus a little manuka honey. and Lots of prayers.
I hate that half the sites you look at say there’s no treatment for aspergillosis. 🥺

for my records
that’s 1/8 of a 250 mg pill = 31.25 mg
poppy weighs 1.6 kg
she can have between 15-30 mg/kg
at this dose she gets 19.5 mg/kg
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thanks. i think i’m going with this dosage after i did lots of math -
1/4 pill crushed mixed with 3 ml water and give 1.5 ml orally every 12 hours.
and i’ll continue the Oxine by nebulizer as well, plus a little manuka honey. and Lots of prayers.
I hate that half the sites you look at say there’s no treatment for aspergillosis. 🥺

for my records
that’s 1/8 of a 250 mg pill = 31.25 mg
poppy weighs 1.6 kg
she can have between 15-30 mg/kg
at this dose she gets 19.5 mg/kg
I think you’re on the right track with that dosage Terbinafine orally twice a day. Having had a dog with disseminated coccidioidomycosis I’m familiar with the difficulties of treating fungal infections. If the species of aspergillus your duck has is resistant to Terbinafine you might see no improvement. With luck it will work, but expect to be treating for months. And I suggest you continue treatment for a month after all symptoms clear, even if you test and get a clear. Antifungals are hard on liver and other organs, so there’s that to consider, too. We started treating my dog with Fluconazole and after six months not responding she wasn’t expected to live. Put her on itraconazole and after two months her titer reduced dramatically but she started having skin reactions, presumably from the meds. We finally gave her Terbinafine with Fluconazole and managed to get her titers low, but never to zero. She remained on these two antifungals for five years and was able to live a good life. Fungal infections can be quite a battle. I wish you luck.

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