Show off your Old English Game Bantams!!

I'd leave them alone, as well. I had a hatch, 2 weeks ago with my smallish Game Hen. She had 15 eggs, at the end, 14 hatched, and 1 large egg failed. Another hen is broody and due, NOW. She has so many that she rotates them being out from under her, and against her body. I can tell because my eggs are all different colors, and she'll have a green, a white, or a blue out, then 10 minutes later, there will be all browns out. 10 minutes later, all blue, you get the idea. They do have much more knowledge of the whole process, that I seldom interfere. My promise to them is: Food, Water, Security! The rest, they love to do all on their own. Also, I sooo prefer a hen to a 'bator! TOTALLY!

I wish I'd have another girl go broody so I could give her the collection of Bantam eggs from the past 6 days. Maybe someone will be acting that way,'s to hoping!
Oh my gosh!!!!!!
Now I know what breed Chipmunk is!! She is mixed breed but is definitely one of these. I had six bantams hatch all from the same mother and father and no two were the same. I have two left, Chipmunk and Bump. Now I have knowledge! At least half knowledge ( still need to find out about bump.) Here is a pick of all the babies together
. Any ideas for the others? Mummy was black with a very small yellow collar and Daddy is shown below. bred them both myself.

Mummy is here on the very left.

was thinking maybe a mini bluebell...?

Chipmunk and Bump.

Bump now.

Chipmunk now.

I know that they are mixed breed but I would love to know if there is another recognizable breed in there.
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i'm pretty sure they are all cochins or cochin mix. what makes you think they are mixed OEGB?
show your OEGB!!

and here is my hen Kirby:

i'm pretty sure they are all cochins or cochin mix. what makes you think they are mixed OEGB?
This picture... there are a few others kinda similar, sorry then I guess this is in the wrong thread....
Thank you very much for replying though!
I thought Chipmunk looks similar. Her feathers aren't in as good a condition as this one's because we have had so much rain that everywhere has turned to mush and they are almost constantly wet. And I ran out of cider vinegar for their water about two months ago....
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Nope that's a quotation... but this is my baby. I was just showing how I came to think that she was a OEGB. If you compare the feathering pattern for the two pictures... and then the difference in shape would be accounted for by the fact that she is a cross breed.......

I think that's a cochin bantam mix.
the coloring might be similar, but the body shape is different
here is a picture of one of my cochin hens for comparison
Aha... o.k thank you. I know that colouring and patterns aren't specific to a breed but it is kind of specific and I had never seen it before so I thought.... well I guess you already know what I thought!
HAHA! beautiful chick! She actually looks a lot like what a cross between my Blue Wheaten Ameracauna hen and a Buff Cochin would look like. My BW Amies look a lot like her, coloring, penciling and lacing-wise. Are you sure that you don't have an Amie or Easter Egger in there, somewhere? hehe ;) Beautiful lil hen.

Mummy there, looks like an almost twin to my pair of Birchen Cochin Bantams.

And I LOOOOVE the stone wall, in the background. I have collected stone and rocks for decades, and still don't have enough for the stone wall that I want. I assume that you are from The Empire from "Mummy"? I am sooo jealous of the age and history of farms in the older countries. They have such character to them. They scream of the hands and feet that have worked there in ages past.
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