Show Off Your SPURS/ "Rooster Photo Thread"

Lazy Farmer

7 Years
Feb 28, 2017
Florida Mountains
Photo Friendly Thread dedicated to the under loved & too often misunderstood Rooster.
I love my Roosters! But I'm a breeder. My power bill gets paid with the help of my boys!

Use this thread to post photos of YOUR ROOSTER'S SPURS. And maybe a couple of your favorite little dude.. SPURS are a must! It is kinda the title.. lol.

I will get the ball rolling. My Big Boy Buff Orpy.. Simply named Big Boy. King of all my flocks, and I have a ridiculous amount of birds..
HIS SPURS ARE SO GIANT, HE HAS TO WALK BOW LEGGED. But he is a gentle lover. Takes care of his group without abusing the ladies..
I'm I the only one not afraid of male chickens?:celebrate
Lol yes!! I had a REALLY mean Barred Rock rooster once, I was leaving the coop that night and as I went to go out the door he flew off his perch on to my back and started scratching my back wildly (yea, i freaked) I ran out the door, and around my house 2 times with him following close behind me. I slipped in to my door just in time. Let's just say that he made very delicious chicken and noodle soup later that week. :)
I have more roos to share. I wanted to get this thread started a long time ago. I just kept forgetting. Then yesterday watching big boy walking funny reminded me again to start the thread before I forget again.
His Spurs are so long they rub the opposite legs. He doesn't appear to be discomforted by the enormous Spurs either. While I had him picked up I inspected for wear or damage.. none. He is about 3 years old. He lives with big house ladies, he has exactly 68 girlfriends. He is mellow yellow with them. Doesn't breed that often, just protects his flock. Let's my other roos know he is the head honcho.
They are close by but not in with him.
I will post pics of the other dudes shortly. I needed a place to share them!
Wowie! look at the spurs on him! How old is your buff? I've only have cockerels in my flock, An Easter egger, Barred rock, Brahma, and some Serama and bantam cockerels.. Got rid of all my old roosters and started new. My EE's spurs are starting to come it so If I can catch him i'll post a few pics.. But all of my other cockerel's spurs are pretty short at the moment.
I have more roos to share. I wanted to get this thread started a long time ago. I just kept forgetting. Then yesterday watching big boy walking funny reminded me again to start the thread before I forget again.
His Spurs are so long they rub the opposite legs. He doesn't appear to be discomforted by the enormous Spurs either. While I had him picked up I inspected for wear or damage.. none. He is about 3 years old. He lives with big house ladies, he has exactly 68 girlfriends. He is mellow yellow with them. Doesn't breed that often, just protects his flock. Let's my other roos know he is the head honcho.
They are close by but not in with him.
I will post pics of the other dudes shortly. I needed a place to share them!
I'll trade you my brahma for him..
Wowie! look at the spurs on him! How old is your buff? I've only have cockerels in my flock, An Easter egger, Barred rock, Brahma, and some Serama and bantam cockerels.. Got rid of all my old roosters and started new. My EE's spurs are starting to come it so If I can catch him i'll post a few pics.. But all of my other cockerel's spurs are pretty short at the moment.
He is around 3ish. He is a red band. He doesn't mate that often. When he does it is quick, precise and non aggressive. His job is security for my breakfast makers.
I have much younger boys for breeding. Posting soon. Thanks for contributing!

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