Sick chick


Jul 30, 2024
Not an emergency. Chick has unfortunately passed on.
Just would like a better idea of what went wrong. Yesterday, all chicks were completely fine & healthy. This morning, same deal. About midday I checked everyone again & this baby was on its side, getting trampled. Scooped it up & took it inside. Upon trying to get it to stand, it completely fell. Legs would go totally stiff & straight. I gave it some vitamins & what not in a syringe, and then it came good for about half an hr. Not completely normal, but was standing, and keeping its eyes open a bit more. I put it in a box with some food & water (it wasn't eating or drinking though), and let it be for a bit. Eventually it fell on its side & I could no longer get it to stand. Not long after it passed. Any help is appreciated. Losses never really get easier.


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Sorry for your loss. How old was it? Did you get it from a hatchery, a feed store, or did you hatch it? What did poops look like? Was it eating and drinking? It may have suffered from shipping stress, or may have had failure to thrive. Hard to know without getting the state vet to perform a necropsy.
Sorry for your loss. How old was it? Did you get it from a hatchery, a feed store, or did you hatch it? What did poops look like? Was it eating and drinking? It may have suffered from shipping stress, or may have had failure to thrive. Hard to know without getting the state vet to perform a necropsy.
Thank you ❤️
It had just gone 7 weeks old, hatched at home. I got a photo of the poop it passed while I was giving medication. It isn't worms, but just lots of mucus. Before this point it was eating & drinking well. Active, growing well.
We had a chook months ago with failure to thrive & it did seem very similar. Lethargic, unable to stand etc, however I'm just a bit weary as it seemed to happen so quickly for this little one. Everything seemed totally normal even a few hrs prior.


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