Hi all, need help with a sick chicken. I have two chicken. Here’s what’s happening -
- Friday morning they were out free ranging and it was raining. They both got wet.
- I locked them up that evening. Next morning one of girls seemed a little less enthusiastic than the other.
- She gets out of the coop, but wherever she goes she just sits down. She does not eat or drink.
- Today I offered her eggs because it’s soft. She tried to eat a very small piece, but I noticed some kind of mucous coming out of her mouth like drool.
- I offered her water and ACV solution with a syringe twice. The first time she released more mucous, but the next time she kept it in and haven’t seen anything coming out.
- Her comb is perfectly deep pink in color and her crop is fine. I gave her a light belly rub and did not feel any hardness.
- Her sister is out roaming around and just sits around. She seems to peck at things, but if I give her seeds or anything she won’t eat it.