Sick Chicken?

Is there a possibility that it is sour crop?
I smell a foul smell coming from her even after I wash the diarrhea off of her
After she dries, trim her bum feathers, just not to close, but enough to keep the poop from accumulating. In the morning before she has a chance to eat check her crop, it should be flat. I have an older lady that has always been prone to a dirty derriere, she's a lazy pooper, lol, so she gets her bum trimmed and a booty bath occasionally.
After she dries, trim her bum feathers, just not to close, but enough to keep the poop from accumulating. In the morning before she has a chance to eat check her crop, it should be flat. I have an older lady that has always been prone to a dirty derriere, she's a lazy pooper, lol, so she gets her bum trimmed and a booty bath occasionally.
I have another one of my hens that does that. Glad to hear it’s not just mine 😂😂 Her name is Fern.

Matilda ( the one I’m concerned about ) is definitely sick though 😕 All she does is lay down. I fed her some egg in the house today, and it took her an hour to eat it all. She napped in between.
Hey! So I have a hen, about to be three years old in May. She’s acting lethargic, walking slowly and sort of hunched, and she is having diarrhea clump against her vent and feathers. The others aren’t picking on her, but my hen is isolating herself from the others. I can smell the diarrhea on her even from several feet away, and I believe she’s stopped laying. Also, she spends a lot of time laying in the yard or in the run. Is she sick with anything treatable? Can the others get it? Is she just in the process of dying? I have attached photos and a video of her movement. View attachment 4071670View attachment 4071672

Is there a possibility that it is sour crop?
I smell a foul smell coming from her even after I wash the diarrhea off of her
Check her crop to see if it's emptying overnight, see if the smell is coming from the beak or the vent.

She's not laid in how long? It may be a good idea to give her extra calcium for a few days to see if she's struggling with a soft egg or lash material. Calcium Citrate+D3 once daily for 3-5days.
Check her crop to see if it's emptying overnight, see if the smell is coming from the beak or the vent.

She's not laid in how long? It may be a good idea to give her extra calcium for a few days to see if she's struggling with a soft egg or lash material. Calcium Citrate+D3 once daily for 3-5days.
Where could I get Calcium Citrate+D3?

It’s probably been… 3 days or so now since she’s laid? Maybe 4

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