Sick chickens

They actually start by laying around a little bit more, and then when they walk, they walk a little crooked they stumble and do somersaults, and then sort of lay there for a while
That is odd. I am not sure what kind of illness could cause issues like that. As mentioned before Mareks disease can cause paralysis of the legs, but Im not familiar with the presentation. Im wondering if putting them on a vitamin B regimen could help them. I’m going to tag some people who may be able to help a bit more. @Eggcessive @azygous @Wyorp Rock
That is odd. I am not sure what kind of illness could cause issues like that. As mentioned before Mareks disease can cause paralysis of the legs, but Im not familiar with the presentation. Im wondering if putting them on a vitamin B regimen could help them. I’m going to tag some people who may be able to help a bit more. @Eggcessive @azygous @Wyorp Rock
Thank you I appreciate any help I can get. The vet visit was like $500 and I have to take them back to be rechecked if I need any more antibiotics and right now with only working one day a week and being on disability it’s hard I don’t wanna rack up a bunch of credit card bills. What is Mareks?
Sorry for your loss. How old are your chickens, especially the ones you have lost? Do they lay eggs before they get sick? Have you seen any mold in your feed or could they have gotten into some toxin? What state are you in? Most state vets can perform a necropsy and give a cause of death once they do testing of the tissue samples. I would call them promptly if you lose another to ask how to get a necropsy. Here is a list of state vets to contact, and the body should be kept very cold, not frozen:
Thank you I appreciate any help I can get. The vet visit was like $500 and I have to take them back to be rechecked if I need any more antibiotics and right now with only working one day a week and being on disability it’s hard I don’t wanna rack up a bunch of credit card bills. What is Mareks?
I understand, it can be tough when the vet doesn’t quite know what’s wrong, either. Both azygous and Eggcessive have asked good questions that could help figure out what is going on. I also agree on a necropsy if any further chickens pass away, that could get you conclusive answers.

Mareks is a virus that is transmitted amongst poultry via feather dander, I believe. That’s one reason for asking about any new chickens being introduced into your flock. There are different forms of the virus but one causes paralysis of the legs. I’m not well versed in the disease myself, but I know that it can be fatal. Here is a resource:

Azygous and Eggcessive may have better information on Mareks.

With your chicken improving on antibiotics, though, I don’t know what to think.
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By any chance, did they have access to oyster shell (calcium)?

I had 6 hen-hatched chicks and never thought to remove the oyster shell container and apparently a few of them partook it as after they were 4 weeks old, three of them laid on their sides, couldn't walk, and legs jutted out randomly. One seized and died on its own, and two we worked with for two weeks by making them chick chairs, giving B-Complex and physical therapy to, to no avail, and had to cull those two.

This happened in a pen with no access to anything but what I give them. Three are left and are going to be fine.
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Things that can cause imbalance and lameness:

Electrolyte imbalance due to heat or shock
Mold toxin from moldy bedding or feed
Botulism toxin from digging deep into anaerobic soils, compost
Poisonous insect stings
Avian viruses - Marek's and lymphoid leucosis exposure to new chickens carrying the virus.
Petroleum distillates. Leaking machinery, hydraulic fluid, motor oil.
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If you ask us to help you figure out why your chickens are sick but are unwilling to answer questions, I don't see how you expect us to help you. This is the second thread today where I've run into this road block. It's a team effort.
Yeah, I started the fluffy one on antibiotics today
Actually, today when I went out, she was crunched down again and she’s got poop all over her butt like runny poops. And my dog keeps trying to attack her or lay her down and not let her get up. She does not do that to any of my other chickens. She loves them all she gives them kisses and stand over them, but the one that sick she keeps trying to keep away from everybody. Think I should just have her put down.

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